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Victor Gameplay – Wild Rift

Victor Gameplay – Wild Rift

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  1. yes Vicktor sophisticated champion is not easy to learn so will be op for who knows and verry bad for low elo so again the game will be fukt and the E travel time is really slow thanks riot.

  2. guys. he is using green runes and building items that doesnt make so much damage like infinity orb, thats why in the video he is making a low damage probably even if he is fed

  3. Its likely the rune setup. That makes this look sht even if you're fed.

    Sweet tooth + seedjar ( items + skills already looks defensive if placed well , we go full utility)
    Any domination

  4. Nah he is too weak, atleast his clear…his damage or smth doesn't feel right, he is kinda lackluster in every aspect, now i see why there was no hype for him, his kit is just not too good, need rework like pc

  5. 這隻頂多強勢一個月,沒位移,控制不強,之後nerf大招像笑話,還不如去玩小法,他雷射要熟練度夠高加小預判,這隻對新手並不友善,一樣的資源,不如等明年第一個新角色,一樣是奧術裡面主角,魔法,輔助,有盾,總之這隻很快涼涼

  6. For those saying 0 damage,
    First, he didn't master his e, which is his main source of damage.
    Second, he bought Rylais and Liandry, which deals zero dmg compared to Ludens or infinity orb
    Third, the chinese test server has durability patch so it seems to deal less damage

  7. Really? Even Wild Rift implemented THAT MECHANIC on his 3rd ability?
    Though i played him a few times there's a reason why i didn't like Viktor that much even in his PRE-REWORK days and this is one of them (Bet they're gonna do the same thing too in Rumble's ult)

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