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The SECRET to Maximize SR Gain In BO6 Ranked Play

How Does SR Work in BO6 Ranked Play? Well today I show you along with the fastest way to gain SR in BO6

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  1. I get about 150sr per match and I’m Gold 3 but damn I find it super frustrating because even if I do great I always end up with braindead teammates that don’t know how to use their thumbs. I barely lose any SR but damn I swear I’ve lost 2/3 of my games while being at the top of the leaderboard.

  2. Hey Mo, I know I’m hurting my SR in hardpoint because I’m never on time. I’m off watching outside lanes as an AR. Is this normal ? Or is there a balance of being the long distance AR support while holding down the hill?

  3. Didnt they say even if u squad with lover ranks,its only gonna be harder for them as will get ranks as you lets say plat 1,2 and they are silver 1,2
    Great video anyway!
    Im hardstuck plat but even when i get 10 victories in row i still get like 30-50 points max even though at start of s1 wasnt losing much on way to plat

  4. They need to remove SR. It's terrible. Nobody can properly explain it, and it's all speculation. A win should be a win, and a loss should be a loss. Period. In a tournament setting, they don't divey out the payout based on individual performance. It's absolutely ridiculous and only benefits 4 stacks. If they want us to talk more, they need to stop with this coms ban bs. why are they babysitting us? Anyone defending the current system is not being intellectually honest with themselves, full stop.

  5. But the HPR concept applies for CONSISTENT players… how about someone like me who has chronic illness and every day I feel differently and therefore my health affects directly my gameplay? This is so unfair!

  6. so get good is your suggestion? how the fuck do we do that with hackes filling the game? the only time I lose to higher HPR teams is when they are hacking. for fucks sake this game is broke

  7. i always top frag, not gonna brag or anything, i like playing obj, but ive been getting 25 in diamond 1 but all my mates aren’t that much better or aren’t better than me, and they get 50-60 per game in crimson , i’m no where near crim😂

  8. im debating if i should switch the being a ar im better with a smg but i feel like i never have spawns or map control idk yall help me out also does your hpr get reset next season or stay the same?

  9. I was top fragging last night dropping 60 kills back to back when playing hardpoint. Got on control after people joined my lobby and we got a control I went negative trying for obj and they did the dip. Just keep going til you find people who aren’t dipping after one bad game. Everyone got em

  10. I feel like when im on for too long thats when it starts giving less sr, i turned my game off for 30 mins and jumped back on and started earning 90-150 sr again and the lobbies felt easy, don't know if closing the game makes it reset itself but it felt that way

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