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Emiru’s 1st death in World of Warcraft, Call with Mizkif, and new character [Onlyfangs]

Emiru’s 1st death in World of Warcraft, call with Mizkif and new character [Onlyfangs]

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Song: Energetic Particles
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  1. Underwater is so punishing. She had breathing, great. But it's fighting in 3d when the whole game is in 2d. Aggro range is all fucky and mobs swim at full speed so if they run, it's like they're sprinting.

    Hella dangerous to go alone. Especially as a warrior.

  2. Normal people have a fight or flight response, Emi has a fight or flight or run in circles response. And she chose run in circles, TWICE.
    Disarm, Intim Shout, Shield Wall, Intercept away..

  3. Bro literally delayed playing for 2 weeks waiting for Mizkif to catch up, but since he couldn't she decided to go online and die, just to then instantly jump into a call with him and start leveling a Tauren (same race as him). Definitely not a fake death to play with her bf LOL, well good luck getting to 60 in 3 weeks.

  4. ok i dont know how much experiance she have with wow but holy shiet that was bad. She had fear, Retaliation, bandage 😀 she didint use Slow on caster naga before gets low hp. At this point just uninstall.

  5. This is sad… but also super skill issue 😀 unless she fakes it, actually wanted to die. She didnt have potion CD.. where are health potions?.. Why did she not kill the 21hp guy?… it probably cast like 10 frostbolts, wtf.. she had fear… retaliate…. all she did is simple dps 😛 …. also, did she also not have target dummies?…. it was.. REALLY bad, i feel like this is fake, she wanted to die.

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