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First-Ever Teleportation Service Pet Coming To The Shop! WoW The War Within News | Xiao Liu

World of Warcraft’s First Teleportation Service Companion Pet Coming Soon:

00:00 – Intro
00:18 – The Pet
02:39 – My Thoughts
07:39 – Conclusions

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  1. So.. you dislike a pet coming that will help people to MOP instances or raids.. when most of us played remix and therefor got 98% of everything colectable already?.

    Also M+ players got mounts high ilvl gear achievments which is close to impossible to get as a solo player trough pugging due to toxicity and will remain that way until timer is gone.. so that they add tp pets for people to use to get around isnt worth bitching over 😅😂

  2. It’s not at all surprising to see communist China-specific features. One of the reasons we eventually got bone variations on Forsaken was because of the communist party’s censorship laws – they were required in the country since the game launched there.

  3. It really is too bad how accepted cash shops became in virtual worlds. There's no undoing it of course, dev greed is too strong and instant gratification players are too numerous, but it has cheapened the genre for those of us with the time to play and the desire to have a game world untethered from the real world economy.

  4. If that pet became available I know I'd use it all the time, especially if new pets came out for other expansions/continents, which is exactly why I won't get it. Traveling to dungeons/raids in other continents are part of the game, it's part of exploring the world, I feel like you'd make your life so much easier with this it'd become so trivial it'd become boring. The tedious parts of a game can have a lot of soul in them.

  5. Coming from someone who did buy the gilded brutosaur and the packmaster grizzly, this pet's a pass from me. Those other mounts have a use for me, a teleporter pet really doesn't have a use I'd use.

  6. People too often forget that gold farming is a legit path in the game. All Blizzard store items are essentially gold farming rewards. Yall don't need to be upset just because they put it on the store to give non-gold farmers a way to still obtain em. As a PvPer, I dont get upset that blizz has Mythic dungeon key master mounts just because I don't do the content to earn them. Likewise, don't be upset just because you don't do goldfarms and now can't earn the store items..besides, atleast they still give the option to buy the items with real money for the non-gold farmers that really want them. That's my perspective on it

  7. Bit useles for farming mounts and transmogs after the MOP event…
    for those who tell us it devaluates the efforts of keystones…you cant get those anymore, or this pet or they should find a way to let us earn them again.

  8. I honestly don't care if it comes in. There are plenty of items in game that allow you to quick travel the world without the use of Engineering or Key Portals. And honestly, instead of the Gilded, they should have just sold the OG in store.

  9. Chinese players are limited by law in playtime.
    This is a convenience specially made to help them not us.

    They may see money and bring this to us, but China also has twice weekly resets, not us.

  10. Blizzard in 2025 at this point
    +++++++Get your °Never Alone Again° Toy TODAY! for only $120!++++++++++
    |Never Alone Again|: Summon 4 geared Ai players that will help you complete high m+ keys successfully for 24 hours. 20 secs cd.

  11. I have a feeling the all those service mounts/pets are going to be useless after the last titan because all of it is going to be in ui and they’re trying to get the most of it rn

  12. I dont give much about Blizzard anymore really. I lost most of my stuff to that guildbank bug when TWW launched and since blizzard being silent and not fixing it, i feel like blizzard screwing us anyway. This pet is just another silly item to get our money, it wont make the game any better. with all the items and toys we already got, its easy enough to get around fast. also about that new Brutosaur, it wouldnt wonder me that in X time we will get a mount where we can choose which NPCs we want on it. just because thats more money for Blizzard. =p

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