With over 1000 Mounts in the Game there are obviously some Mounts that are Harder to get, than others, but these 10 Mounts that I have picked are an absolute Hell of Grindfest.
If you want to farm one of these Mounts make sure to bring a lot of Time and Dedication, because you will need it!
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nice one! How can i farm gold 😂 i have 70k gold i would like to farm millions like you
But people are still farming Invincible after years of farming😂and i also remember before Pandaria remix,people where every day farming the pandaria worldboss mounts,years and still didn't get it untill the remix,so farming wb and raids boss for mount requires more time then any mount from achievement.I am still farming both Gul'dan mount from Nighthold even after could solo the raid and is just not easy to see years passing without dropping the mount and exhausted after insta farms.
If Elmer Fudd was Prussian.
The new A Farewell to Arms achievement that rewards the Jani mount. It requires Nazjatar meta, Mechagon meta, the campaign on both factions, the war campaign on both factions (the last step requires exalted with the main faction of the horde and alliance) and some other random achievements from bfa that are also time gated.
For the 500 honor level mount, I just made two accounts and only subbed on both duringg comp stomp and just grinded on two accounts getting 168k honor a week.
I’ve ran almost 1600 ICC’s and still no Invincible. GrrrRRRRRRrrrr!!
Siesbarg war mein persönlicher Nemesis 😢
I already have the Bloodforged courser, love the mount and use it on most of my toons.
Great video Garrosh, i have just one mount and this is Longboi 😀 and i'm farming for the bloodforged courser and farming for siesbarg too. i've like 22 honor levels left before i reach honor level 500
<- Strider and Toam
I feel like its going to be way quicker to reach gold cap than to reach level 500 honor level.
Even the most braindead easy grinds will give you about 100k after 4-10 hours.
meanwhile you will need at least 8k hours to reach 500 honor level with so much variability (because winning and losing gives different amount)
that it becomes unpredictable no matter how good you are.
I spent two weeks on Siesbarg. I sort of got burned out on the game and quit doing my daily and weekly stuff.
⚠️⚠️⚠️If u want to farm Zovaal's Soul Eater⚠️⚠️⚠️
count for at least 3 months of Every day/week Farming (Rares in the Maw + Covenants grind)
Kyrians = 2-3 weeks
Venthyr is long af
Necrolords Long AF
Night Fae is a rep Grind 1500 per day (Depends on the number of anima/souls u'll get
Pro tip farm the Souls first for the covenant then upgrade it. Swap to each covenant upgrade them to required levels and do the quests u can do to gain as much time as possible. The Rares Drop are your worst enemies.
Good Luck Pumpers
The only one I have out of this list is the prestigious courser. 870 honor level and 500k honor kills here.
i want to enjoy your videos but I cannot listen to this. dude work on your "R"s. i can only take so many "wequired" "gwinds" "AhNG" "wheely tough gwind" "incwedible" and this was all in the first 11 seconds
Actually you cant buy black protodrake in the BMAH, it is the plagued version you can.
that one mount grind, you literally have to get cancer to start it. That one's the hardest.
The Pureheart Courser also glows on the horn, not just the hoof.
when i started wow i farmed the tiger and raptor i got the Raptor and 2 tiger mount dropns in 6 weeks or farming and my friend was not happy
Sjeesh. The 10th one you just got by playing the game for a while. Easy enough.
The bug is alreayd hard to farm it was easy first weeks..now there is barely any groups . I sisnt know ivorty was rare i gor it gaha
Well, I'm…. proud? to say I have many of these mounts. I don't have the PVP ones, the Shadowlands one (in progress), the mage tower (I'll get around to it) and I don't have the Razzashi Raptor or Black Proto Drake.
Every serious PvP player has that mount for years! I need an honor lvl 1000 mount! And Siesbarg was done in ine day? Okay, you have zero clue, channel blocked!
Gladiator mounts ?
am surprised invinsible was in top 10. has the number of players that got it increased?.
Honor lvl 400 now. Just 100 more to go.
Matei C told me that he gotten plagued proto drake in cataclysm the black proto drake is the last proto drake to complete the his proto drake collection collection (violet proto not included)
I've been after the Bloodforged Courser and the Bloodthirsty title since they became available. I have noticed the majority people with it are arena pvpers. I saw a guy that only had 32K lifetime kills yet he had the mount. He told me he only did arena. I have 231K lifetime kills yet I'm only honor lvl 163. That mount is on the top spot of many lists.
I assume you made this video before this past Tuesday. Cause the SnapBack scuttler is needed for Jani’s Trashpile.
How about the recent Felcycle? The secret achievement run was really nice btw…
"This grind will most definetly take you multiple weeks" Did it in 6 hours xd