Classic Hardcore Moments 94
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Featured Players in This Video:
6. Makiavelo
7. Gurthnar
8. Dummanbent
9. Gray Stranger
10. Epic
11. CatEatsLasagna
14. Geo
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Music by EpidemicSound
Local Forecast – Elevator Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Sneaky Snitch Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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#WorldOfWarcraft #ClassicHC #ClassicHardcore
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Had the first magebrain used Frost Ward, he would've lived. I guess dying is fun for them.
Noob mages always dying on the scarabs. Gotta give time for aggro to build up otherwise they’re all gonna go at you
Day 3 of asking Mr. Classic Hardcore Moments where he gets his "Alerta" sound effect from.
1:30 Karma for abandoning his group in SM
3:30 Has 924 hp remaining, takes 928 fall damage. Would've easily survived if had bothered healing after the first two jumps
Grounding totem absorbs Eranikus’s sleep. Bad shaman.
Anyone know what UI is this? 1:45
Imagine wasting Hundreds of hours, Weeks of worth of Progress
just to have someone in your party Grief you or Afk.
There is nothing "Hardcore" about HC — it is just stupid. 🤣
WAHT is that last clip?!??!?! YIKES! He's definitely not alive still.
11:35 Warrior got so many misses on him, it's crazy. Insane luck to survive that
@6:14 this made my day
4:41 bro that scream edit
so many bad players it's unbelievable
whats addon ui guy 10:40? its kidna diffrent
Im certain at this point that 98% of the classic community doesnt even manage to put clothes on without assistance.
I want to see someone come close to survive then die for once at the end. Your end music always gets me.
Again with the cancelling FD… I just don't get why hunters do this. IIRC, it's 6 minutes. At least stay there for a bit and assess the situation.
grounding totem… 🙂
3:30 Omg 924 hp and takes 928 falling dmg XD
1:25 fake death. Stop spreading fake deaths
"If my team let me die I would have died." -Most intelligent wow player
Maraudon clip hilarious, you need to understand Russian tho. Especially towards the end xD
The russian players with anger managment Problems 😂
7:10 what is this music from? it sounds like osrs's tombs of amascut raid's songs but doesnt match any of them, and shazam doesnt work
Why is it with these hunter death, that every time they die, they move from feign death to early and not just laying there. What is the problem here! Pika would have been fine if he would just lay there and let them pass…
editing gets better every video somehow. they really know their audience well
10:17 rain world music spotted! and what a tight fight that was, props to no one dying there!
Keybind and mouse turn people! Clicking is so so bad for focus and efficiency.
That hard casting holy fire priest got me
So many noobs play this, holy frick.
The Osrs Al Kharid music in ZF always gets me
Why everyone is so bad and clicking their spells lol
the last clip is HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
11:21 Mangione lmao
[11:42] Era para ser um pequeno gole, com aquela poção menor lol
PSA: If you have a shaman in your group in ST, on Eranikus. Keep a grounding totem out, it will eat every tank sleep. Just becomes an easy normal fight
3:30 BRO okay whew he will heal…. BRO AGAIN? jeez you're lucky okay, now a quick banda— oh you're dead ok.
5:55 when you bought your HC character
10:58 You can see the storm coming…
Pika not knowing feign mechanics is frustrating