#blizzard #warcraftrumble #warcraft #doomhammer
Discord- https://discord.gg/UusjzCpBQD
Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/bulava_rumble
Full Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U41HxFdQ06w&list=PLXAJCnui7_rHlWwOuS2d7gZPgw5_3sQlr
00:00 intro
00:18 what you need to know
04:07 Deathless Rage
04:52 Rally the Clan
06:00 Conqueror’s Diplomacy
07:44 what to pick
Oh! A PW2 Youtuber demonstrating a game… 😀
in german the information says they bleed out in 20 seconds @bulava
Does Goblin Sapper deal double damage with Ogrim’s leader ability??
I don’t think so because he gets new mini after mak’gora
Thanks for sharing this ❤
Best like for best channel warcraft rumble ❤
I'm telling you, Deathless is extremely underrated right now. For example, with the talent you can't execute in the duel
Can you save the unit that's turned into your side with the "Cheat Death" spell after the expire date? I mean that would be sick if you'd be able to save Molten Giant and then heal it afterwards.
There is hidden mechanic of deathless rage. Enemy help makhgora hit unit
Против Сильваны последний перк просто авто вин
Go challenge Sylvanas 1v1
Can i heal or keep alive the units that doom hammer converts?
Can you explain how exactly the second part of Mak'gora works? It is not adequately explained; it just says, "…revealing their true strength if victorious. Gains more power the closer the duel was."
gracias amigo
Diplomacy is the best talent no doubt especially when you have sufficient mana in hand and enemy big minions is on low hp
If his bonus stacks with Pyromancers first hit talent, thats gonna be a helluva first shot 😄
Damn it I picked the wrong talents. I'll have to get him to epic now
Wololo 😂 Can those converted units be healed?
very cool footage, thank you 😀
5:25 well you know, one single Huntress can kill infinite units if not fast enough. Huntress can kill harpies, necromancer, basically any flying unit even chimaera
I finally beat the first two bosses in molten core 😅does it get easier ?
2:25 and Gargoyle
This is promotional content, right? it came out like, yesterday…can't have it lv28 already
Ty for the very quick demo!
Doomhammer also seemed to gain AOE attack upon winning the Makgora. They should explain these things in the character information and the duration of these effects. I assume they last only 10 seconds but what do I know.
Could it be possible that conqourors diplomacy would get nerfed or hotfixed because its so op?
Много раз видел у тебя миниатюры со стрелочками не проабгреженные до дополнительного слота ? В этом есть какой то смысл ? Ведь когда абгрейдим, то миниатюра получает дополнительный левел, атаку и HP
If you put armored and resistant, he loses it after mak'gora. Maybe bug?
any cool/fun and working build for PvP already for him ?:D which Talent to choose as the first one ?
Justo esto estaba esperando, gracias por tus explicaciones tan detalladas.
Bulava is happy with a minie? Wow.
Булава, жду твой стрим как ману небесную 💪
I was waiting for this one rather your opinion on talents then any other
you resemble doomhammer mannnn
First here for Tutorial, already have him at 4600 PvP talentless