Thanks again to Skorpid & his CCTV cameras all over Azeroth to track down this bot.
Supporting me financially is by no means necessary, but if you just can’t resist, the option is there:
Thanks again to Skorpid & his CCTV cameras all over Azeroth to track down this bot.
Supporting me financially is by no means necessary, but if you just can’t resist, the option is there:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Do you enjoy this? if so thats cool but if not please dont waste your time as a bot doesent care if it dies it will just respawn and carry on but of course if you are having fun then crack on.
I am a veteran player. Every time I see robots in World of Warcraft, they are reported but not dealt with, which makes those of us who love this game feel disappointed. Believe me, the situation in China is much more serious than that in the United States. Many of the owners of these robots have been advertising openly in the main cities, and reporting them is of no use at all. The robots you mentioned came from Taiwan. I am very responsible to tell you the fact that when World of Warcraft still had servers in China, the robot incident in Taiwan was not that serious. Later, when Blizzard announced the termination of servers in China , many Chinese robotics studios have all moved to Taiwanese servers. Of course many also go to European and American servers.
let blizzard deal with these, this is so lame lol
another one bites the dust
I don’t get it… What’s the point on killing the bot?
Hello, the algorithm showed me this vid. Why do we hate bots? Do they ruin the server economy?
so you quit cause your scared, a few internet heads who cant help you boost you up & your back killing bots? Talk about a PR stunt.
I have no clue why this was recommended to me, but im pleased that the botter died 😀
Yeaaaaah, Merry Christmas, baby!
How tf you tp around the world like that?? cheat or not?
top thx
You just like Batman bro XD
Justice for Azeroth!
Robin hood we Will call u m'y lord of all Hunter ❤❤❤
Yeah, Leave it to the players to take back the game cause we all know Blizzard doesn't handle bots. If so we wouldn't have to be doing all this and actually just enjoy the game. Pathetic cash grabbing Blizzard.
This Guy is a real life blade runner.
Удачи, брат.
Jetzt mal im ernst, du hast doch eine an der Waffel, oder? Also von mir bekommst du kein Lob oder Anerkennung, eher Mitleid. Überleg dir doch mal, was dein zeitlicher Einsatz war ein Bot zu killen? Da musst du doch selber zum entschluss kommen, ich bin glaub irgendwo falsch abgebogen.
Everyone complains about bots but they still exist, so there are bound to be people complaining about bots but who don't mind buying gold, that's a good reflection of society's hypocrisy.
I just watched your "this is my last video" a week ago, and here we are. knew it was just click bait.
lol how do you keep just looking around the map like that?
Merry Christmas and a happy 2025!
What would be your job without bots? Say thanks to them, be grateful that they exists.
it wasn't a bot, that was me! wtf!
Doing the Lord's work
Wouldnt the bots be pretty much unkillable if they were programmed to use feign death defensively as a last resort action while fleeing? Like dismiss pet -> feign death? I don't understand why he used feign death here, is it because in a normal pve situation his pet would never die?
Its a lost cause… its not hard to find phased farming spots where no-one else can join + most fly/hack under the surface, where you cant see them by eye.
Anyway.. if they do get caught, they just restart, as you saw. Its all fully automated.
bro ur life is so miserable(((( u just searching bots in deadgame for 10 hours in a week(((((( please change it bro
Wait what??? You can use Eagle Eye repeatedly to get into places not within your line of sight? WHAT?
Good I hate fokin bots thank you.
whats the point do they sell these accounts once max levelv
I like this Bot Hunting. This is the true hunters end game.
would of almost been quicker to level a horde toon and and gank him legit
So these bots are really just AI bots running around, invented by Blizzard? If so.. why? I mean what is the point of playing a MMORP game when the actual players aren't players at all
I want to vote for you to be the GM! GM THE BOT KILLER!!! You are the GM that the community needs. Wake up blizz.
it's just going to cause this guy more anger and annoyance so might as well let the bot be. no point in keep going after it. it's just going to come back, just like the taliban
Hes not a bot btw…
Maybe I'm missing some context here, but can someone explain to me what's the point of botfarming on hardcore if hardcore characters cannot trade?
make the game great again 🙂
Ahahah thats my bot , just 'A'😂😂
How tf is this is a bot and not just someone levelling? I hope someone trolls you the same way and wastes your time..
Idk why people keep playing classic when the economy is ruined because of bots.. Economy is a fun part of the game but not when it becomes hyperinflated.. Many free private servers insta ban bots, but blizz keep them due to greed. Paying 13$ a month for that.. No ty
You’re doing a great job
True definition of an old ass no lifer. Chasng bots and making videos about it
goodjob bro , make azeroth save again!
Pretty insane this guy lived rent free in your head for over a week. Literal lines of code. All for one bot while hundreds if not thousands are still levelling in the background. Paying your time and money to play this game. Holy shit.
Do you have a video explaining how to do something like this? Why would the giant aggro on the bot? Going to check for one now.