As successor to Dirt Rally 2.0, I am sure many of you are wondering what EA Sports with a steering wheel is like? I try to answer that and some general handling stuff, thanks to 32 hours with a preview build. Includes Rally Sweden and Rally Scandia!
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A Tribe Called Cars is a car and gaming YouTube channel and website, founded by motoring editor Ben Griffin.
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0:00 EA Sports WRC intro
1:41 Rally Sweden (snow)
2:55 Rally Scandia (snowy ice)
4:00 Rally Kenya (dusty dirt)
6:07 Rally Monte Carlo (tarmac)
8:07 The verdict
Could you provide all the settings you have? steering wheels in the game etc
EA ruins everything it touches.
Wat s beter met of zonder shifter en handrem of s stuur gied genoeg
Whitch s better whit a shifter and hand break or just my g29
They should open the road width for novice intermediate and expert, expert making the road more narrow for the hard-core freaks out there
Dude that 280mm plastic shit is not for rallying.
I’m having trouble with the wheel calibration process. I can’t tell if I’m doing it right and my wheel doesn’t match the position of the wheel on screen in the cockpit view. Thrustmaster T300 on PS5
so much for using Unreal Engine 5 if there is still pop in guess their not using nanite or maybe its like UE4 engine…
DR2.0 was never lacking in ffb imo, it just needed a little dailing in, was the best ffb on a rally title to date once sorted
For me the real question is how is the handling with controller in this game. Haven't seen no one play it with controller.
Is it just me, or does the co-driver try to emulte Nicky Grist a bit in his delivery?
What about other wheels like Simagic and others no support for these wheels I can play my Dirt Rally with any wheel I have a Simagic wheel but until they give support for these than it is a worthless game to say the least.
0:18 man the lighting is so bad, at least you won't notice when driving.
Hey tribe can you please answer if you can steer with the Dpad? I can not find it anywhere
Is there a mode where the odometer shows also your brake & gas pedals? Really enjoyed that in WRCG when reviewing my performance.
What's with the PSVR2 version ? only PC ?
But what wheels are supported?
Any possibility of Ireland or Belgium being added as locations in the future?
Wtf is up with your insanely low wheel rotation setting? Makes this review questionable, or just flat out dumb, looks like you have about 90 degrees total lol, why would you drive like that? This is completely useless information, automatic transmission and a button for handbrake as well?? Why even bother trying to provide a review using a wheel?
I'm not holding out for this as a proper rally sim. RBR has that covered for me and I do not expect any developer to come out with a game that comes close to the general experience (online functions, physics, car/stage variety) of that old fan modded game for a long time. But what I do want from WRC is for it to scratch that itch a lot of us have for a simcade. That great, fun, casual racer that also feels great to use with a steering wheel.
the minimum grade I use at the wheel is 540/560° of a wrc up to 720° of a Delta Gr.A and above … for the historic ones ( for the historic ones I don't use handbrake) below 540° it's an arcade driving which only serves to do hotlap, but simulation at zero level. I adjust everything based on the car I'm going to drive.
At around 08:10 in the video, you question if it a small gripe you have with the game is a limitation of the Codemasters EGO game engine.
EA WRC doesn't use the EGO engine. It is using Unreal Engine.
People always think and expect snow rallies to have very little grip, but that's absolutely not the case. Those spiked tires give an enormous amount of grip. And if people got to drive with them in real life they would be really impressed and shocked by exactly how much grip they provide.
That steering wheel sensitivity is insane. Are you running on 180 degrees lock to lock, or something?
Great video. How bad is the pop in with the graphics? This annoyed the hell out of me on DR. I hope they fix it.
I think you'd carry more speed on tarmac of you upped the Steering wheel degrees.
Im completly underwhelmed by the visuals, unreal can produce great visuals, but this seems flat. Maybe the youtube compression?
don't get the negative comments, this is a great video
So i'm just curious, is the video of your wheel unsynced with the gameplay of the game ? Or is the wheel in game actually lagging behind the wheel input visually ?
it's not eagle engine, it''s UE 4 or 5
The game runs in the Unreal Engine
Hi! Thanks for the video! I have 2 questions. Please tell me, is the video replay slowing down done in the game or through a third-party program? I have somewhere in YouTube video options for video replays, but I have not seen switches for playback speed. And the second question.. As far as I understand, there is no rewind function in the game?
errrrmm….. You probably didnt realise, but Codemasters ditched the EGO game engine for this title. They are using he unreal game engine this time!
We FINALLY have a codemasters racing game built on a far fresher canvas, and I hope it is something we see even in the F1 series of games. The new WRC game looks really good, cant wait to play it myself with my T300
Hoping that for next year wrc game i can include this years stages also.
For me the wheel has to move the same amount as wheel in the game view
Gah I can't even watch these vids anymore, my $1500 wheel and cockpit setup was in storage in my parents shed on the coast. Its ruined, mould and rust
, and these just make me want to buy another one.