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War within ranged dps are meant to be fun and today we’re putting aside the meta talk and looking purely on how the specs play, their fantasy, talent builds etc. This 11.0.7 ranged dps tier list is 100% subjective and it’s based on our experiences with these specs so far!
We are curious about your war within ranged dps rankings in terms of fun so please let us know in the comments what you find most fun and more important, why?
Check our second channel
00:00 Intro
00:31 Affliction Warlock
03:35 Balance Druid
04:35 Augmentation Evoker
05:42 Arcane Mage
06:46 BM Hunter
07:52 Demonology Warlock
09:26 Destruction Warlock
10:21 Fire Mage
11:48 Frost Mage
13:08 MM Hunter
14:26 Devastation Evoker
15:26 Elemental Shaman
16:48 Shadow Priest
#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #WoWClassTierList #WoW2024
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Wanted wow info and got a commercial for war thunder instead….
Too bad fire is getting gutted in the fun department next patch… taking away a lot of its instant casts and making the CD on fireblast longer and wanting to make it hardcast things more often… Rip the fun version of fire mage… ( which is why I am looking at class videos shopping for a new main )
How aBout shadow priest
I’m loving my frost mage.
What’s the WA that splashes the icon on screen when CDs come off cooldown?
i really enjoy hunter alot
All characters are DoTs at their core.
As someone who mained Affliction and had to give it up for Destro, I can say that it is fun, but it is also very frustrating to play. If you want to get most out of the spec you need to put so much effort and attention in it and get a middle reward. The worst thing is all the small windows for errors (1 example: vile taint (agony) reapplication 0.5 sec window after darkglare) which feel really bad and you have to accept them every run. Because of the movement, all the dungeon mechanics, badly designed talents and abilities. Doing a high m+ run is fun but also exhausting and can feel bad….so switching to hellcaller destro you still play a semi dot spec that is much more rewarding and less punishing (and a bit less fun)
after MONTHS of SoD. i just get used to heal as an arcane mage .so there is that.
This list only solidified my feeling that I don't know what to do.😅
I mean, I'm wavering between Destruction Warlock and Frost Mage, but I switch every 5-10 minutes because I enjoy both and I don't know which one to go with.
So many fkn years balance druid is trash in 1v1 and blizzard dont wanna change cus 3v3 its bulshi.ts.
Scale commander Dev evoker is the only ranged DPS in the game that has to consistently worry about what the anti-melee mechanics of a pack are and don't get the reward in dps for the risks.
You have to make sure you are not going to Deep breath into a frontal by mistake or deep breath over a ground aoe/puddle because somehow you take damage from these even though you are 30 feet in the air.
Been maining Balance druid for the first season, and I prefer using Keepers of the Grove.
MM fun comes exactly from the fact that it doesn't have 150 CDs who don't even sync between them. That's one of the main reasons i enjoy it. No overwhelming CDs. if they re-rework the pet thing and in the next patch they won't give us that stupid owl as a pet and make us use whatever pet we want (except exotic beasts, that's a BM thing) then i will be super happy with the spec
Hello there, General Kenobi.
Thank you 🙂
Arcane needs their changes reverted to the point where they were at the start of the expan. Nerf the sht out of the numbers, but the current loop just feels icky.
How do I get those cast skill bars for mage!?! Need 🙂
The main problem with Shadow priest is that in PVP the attacks are so telegraphed you're constantly getting silenced and locked out. And that purple blob that gets launched is so slow moving they can just kite around it. I agree on the mind spike. Anything where you are replacing your signature spell with some other option that does pretty much the same damage and has no real reason for existing is lazy programming. I wish instead of the current complicated tier choices they would go to something different. They should design each class where it truly looks like what it's supposed to be. Shadow priest should look like it's melting someone's brain when it fires off its big damage. Other than that, I feel like you should be able to adjust your class to either make it more of a dot spec or a build and blast type spec. There are different situations where you might want a dot spec but you don't necessarily want to go level up an affliction warlock. I should be able to enhance my shadow priest dots a little bit and give up a bit of peak damage from Insanity. Or maybe I don't want to sit here putting dots on everything, I should be able to store those dots in my pocket and apply them to my insanity blast. There's too much needing to jump from one class to another because the rotations are so boring. I can only play one spec for so long before it just gets old. I mean how much vampire touch can you apply before you just need to do something else? They've really been quite lazy considering they've had 20 years and most of the specs are pretty much the same as when they were released.
So is this a funnest RAID Tierlist? For Spriest, Mindspike sees no play in m+ and very little in raid, yet you praised Voidweaver and then placed it in B Tier. What?
Oh how I miss affliction warlock. I only played it on wotlk when I was doing top dps always when my guild is doing LK run. Its like a racehorse that can only do mid damage but when 25% hp kicks in, it would race to the top.
Sucks u came out with this video then they announced the MM and Pack Leader changes
I've been leveling an arcane mage this week & I've been having an absolute blast. It's a testament to the spec because I rarely ever play dps.
My class fun your class not fun tier list. Got it 🙂
Hands down 100% funniest range spec to play is arcane, I alt BM Hunter and I laugh so hard how easy the spec is. RIP SP it use to be so fun to play also I miss mind games
I've been pushing high keys (!4s) recently with FF frost mage and it's giga fun! SS is just about FO procs, but the way you play with excess fire / frost adds so much flavour to the spec. Go try it, S-tier for me as long as you can survive 4 frostfire bolt casts at start.
Also, I don't agree with arcane. I enjoyed it so much in DF with its 90s rotation but the current version is just too simplified and proc-based. I just run away from proc classes nowadays, I need consistent, reliable dmg.
Lol 100% disagree😁 shit tier list
Trash game delete & focus on class+
All the mage specs feel like trash
Merry Christmas, Flame❤ i hate the Casting time of glacial spike.. that kills Frost for me😢
I’m itching for a new class. I love my Evoker but with Aug constantly getting shafted… really wanting something fresh. Tinker or Bard pleaseeeee. Could you imagine how sick bard would be???? If they modeled it after the ingame band etc they could print money bro.
Cool Christmas gear my man
I think you're not doing a good job at explaining why these specs are fun. For example watching the part about Elemental Shaman, you don't really say anything apart from "its fun, shamans are doing good this expansion". Nothing about the play style itself, which is what I am interested in when its about fun
You said it perfectly. I love how elemental plays right now. I don’t even particularly do good dps. So it’s not that. They just feel so nice. And just like you said they play so nice that it can’t last. They are going to mess them up somehow. And I don’t want to get too attached to them and be mad as hell. So I’m not even playing them other than a key a week. I stick with my destro warlock that I also like the play style of(a lot more relaxed than elemental). They can’t mess destro feel up because it’s really simple.
No Aug in thumbnail 😢
So nothing different from before . Mkay