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"Someone has to come collect this wave"
I always remember this when nobody collects the wave and instead shits on my team and can do whatever they want
Wouldn't the right call in the twitch game just be spam pinging the towers so that volibear tanks them, siege and end the game instead overly complicate yourself.
I feel like pings are something people should use more often, especially as higher elo players in low elo.
Better advice would be don't play solo play duo, at least you will have a teammate that does something correct.
I can do good i can do bad no matter every time no matter if i win or lose I Always tho 2iq players or trolls idc every of them destroys fun and make me stuck in iron.
The only thing I took from this video is that I now understand why when I land my 5 man Kennen R my team just watches stepping back and forth indecisive if they should follow that up because it is "not safe" unless they can secure kills with 100 dmg.
Or why my 9/1 adc does not go for a single aa when I engage the enemy adc and land my cc combo but instead tries to hit his poke ability max range and walk back to tower.
"play safe" is a good advice for people who perma seek trades and int no matter what. It goes the other way around when they have rescources but NEVER use them and it happens just as often.
Because system is broken. It should have new metrics per player over just team win/lose. I mean, 80% of the team is not you, and most often in low ELo someone spoils the match.
Riiiight, changing my mindset makes the other 4 dumbasses on my team better. Makes sense
I've listened up to 1:00 and as someone who has reached diamond V-IV about 10 separate times in my life, I can say it's SUPER SUPER TRUE. it's a different game in silver-gold than what it is in plat. Then emerald again I have to learn to play differently. Teammates go up, enemies go up, and usually good players play better with better teammates, and destroy the opponents even if enemies are good
1) not trying new things, but instead doing the exact same thing over and over again
2) not trying new things, but instead doing the same thing over and over again
3) not trying new things, but instead doing the same thing over and over again
here i am stuck at bronze for 4 years😥
or in my case i win 4 games i dodge a bad set up and then bam my session is over because like every other session i have tried i get put with off meta Losers that feed every lane and im sick and tired of always being told i need to play better to climb i don't have control over 4 other players and what they do and i dont mind losing games if it was actually a fair game but its clearly not when a yaso gets 5 kills in 10 mins and is sitting on 90 cs
I was diamond mid and wanted to tried ADC so I ranked a new account and was stuck fucking bronze. After watching I'm now climbing up plat.
These players are so bad, you gotta change your own gameplay to carry them. It's crazy how stupid they are.
how do I prevent 3 afks?
Cuz the matchmaking system sucks, and it's way worse in WR, I just played with two guys that were 200 in the server and they were the worst!!!!! How could they reach being 200 in the server????!!!!
TIL that plat is low elo.
No way you can carry a bunch of id!0 ts that are 0.6.0, 2.10.2, and are so behind in gold and so on. There are games that not even challenger player could carry.
True. First time I made another account I got stuck in G4 with 33% winrate, FUMING at my teammates. But you cant flame gold elo for playing like gold elo. Just have to adjust, they dont make good decisions period. Mute all, play to get the most gold on yourself possible and go 1v9.
Too many services offering up carry duo services. We need solo queue. In silver bronze, you get people trying to derankto iron so they can recarry someone for money.
From now on, I'm calling myself the zookeeper in low elo.
🐒🦬🐭🐗🦨 🪄🧙♂
I kinda know why they are vastly different but regress from exploring the concept further.
When I was in plat, i could easily climb as my fav support role. Enchanters and healers were actually really needed. My adc knew how to farm, how to position themselves, even knew how Seraphine E ulr ult works, so I really could throw my E everytime Ashe slowed down enemies. i had allies who wait for my ult before jumping on enemies.
They didnt mind when I tanked minions or pushed the wave onto turret.
(i know the olat is low elo, but trust me, its a deep void between silver and plat)
Meanwhile in silver? I went jungle, my team constantly push, lrtting the enemy jg gank and feed themselves, making getting the objectives result in 1v3.
Supports have vision score of 4 in 30 minutes. No one wards.
Top is either feeding or fed, but not enough to win by going alonr everywhere.
Support goes 0/14 and pushes/kills adc's farm.
Im not good at every lane. But even if i will play likr good player and farm pretty well, play safe… The game is lost. Because im alone. No one ever follows because im 1/3, not 10/13. Not to mention i right now have kinda girly name, so im instantly shut down for being a girl and everyone knows we play league on dishwasher.
My only chance is to get dps support and try sonething….
Thrn there's master twitch on smurf, getting yuumi on supp that ocassionaly press E, but thats enough.
Im a mundo player every match i play if i dare press tab after 16 minutes somehow my team manages to have 30 deaths combined while i dont die a single time then splitpushing is not an option teamfighting is not an option there are no option but to wait for enemy to make a mistake which happens rarely or i don’t see then often so im having struggles climbing from bronze 3 also i always seem to have a smurf in my game
For me they should remake ranking system, if you play good, get good ward score, stats, farm etc. you gain more lp, you can even get LP after lose, and if you win, but youre trolling all game you will still get -LP, thats would be fair in soloQ, then flex will get more attention too
Hate low elo, cuz team mates ignore pings, other people, map, enemy, always want to fight and push 24/7
Because all other kanes int
i can't get out of iron. i'm a gold player, and i can't get out of iron now.
I'm so tired of dominating lane phase and losing to other peoples problems. Have been stuck in gold for months..
That last example with the mid push brought up some traumatic memories from when i used to play lol (and reminded me the reason i quit) 😢😢
"The real league of legends" thats definetly not master elo my friends…
I strongly question your frame of reference when you call platinum "low elo". Best regards
/ a 12 year LoL veteran who was recently demoted to Iron 1 when trying to learn Azir on ranked.
The problem is the matchmaking system! The system will make a balance around the teams… and this is the problem.. the system should just bring 10 people randomly together… and not try to outbalance the elo around. This would math make an auto balance for good or bad players after over 100 games!
In the first Saisons there was no balance system between the teams.. and good players saw way more progress in climing. Then Riot start to outbalance the Teams with an Auto System.
At the moment you get punished become a better player with lamer teammates after some games… thats why people have allways a long win and lose streak over and over again.. Its the fucking system who ruins the Elo itself and holds better players in prison!