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I just got the remaining stuff I wanted to do done, thanks to this video.
Only armor set that sucks is hunter ngl
You can also get bronze tokens from LFR as well as doing the time walking dungeons completing those gives you bronze tokens
THANKS I didn't know after you bought 1 set (40 coins) & again after buying 2nd revamped armor sets (20 coins), the cost goes down to 10 tokens each!!!
never heard this YouTuber before, man he talks fast
am I the only one that mostly hears mwflwlshfofwl anniversary flflvlflwlfuufuful mounts and armor, shlflfhulflflwlwuwufl event 🤣
This game sucks now who cares
Yeah I finally got the grand black War Mammoth and I think that was the only one I was missing
the whole 3 people still playing the game will be thrilled
I'm almost 2 minutes in, but nothing about how to quickly farm these tokens has been said.
The video is saying that the event is ending. Over and over again. In so many words. Without saying anything of substance, guidance, etc.
NOTE at least get the detective title for sure. People say you can collect the fell cycle after the anniversary but only if you have the detective title which you can only get DURING the anniversary
At the start I was expecting to be lucky if I got one of the remastered transmog armors, but just casually knocking things out, I got everything I even remotely was considering and have been just farming timewarped badges for the past few weeks.
The best thing from this event not mentioned. Traded Gilded Brutosaur. Id give up everything else just for this mount alone from this event. Yes it sucks it costs, yes its supporting this, yes, youll regret not having it… Get it before its gone..
No one seems to be doing the anniversary on my realm.
got all the sets that good
Got everything thankfully
sadly I never got geared 🙁
What's the transmog on the thumbnail? Never seen those monk beads!
Dont forget… DOOMWALKER DROPS>>>>> AKAMA WEAPON<<<<<<<
for those wanting to do the felcycle quest, i’d hop on that now. it is significantly easier the more people that are doing it at the same time as you such as one part that requires players to have very specific items at ZulGurub. i wouldn’t just grab the detective achievement and be fine with it. i’d def get a head start and get as much done as you can now if you want the felcycle.
Didnt know the doomwalker dropped a mount, so im just missing that and the brd achievements
are the BRD items exactly the same transmogs as if i were to go solo the low level BRD? Or are they new transmog only available for 40 keys?
For anyone who ISNT max level trying to get these sets:
– The world bosses can be killed daily around the event area for 1 token a piece and whatever gear they have
– the daily for the 12 hour buff gives 3 tokens, you might have to remove the buff to see the daily the next day if it isnt showing up.
– All of the weekly quests reset on Wednesday, so getting all of those done should net you roughly 30-40 tokens
– Blackrock from just the boss drops gives roughly 30-40 tokens. Que for all of them at once and youll find your way in in no time.
Once you hit the 100 token achievement, farm Blackrock or Timewalking and youre golden! Good luck gamers!
damn of course you cant get the t2 recreates anymore
Ive never even noticed the guy selling titles before
all that cheap shit is coming back in the Trading Post anyways, don't waste your time
That is why I stopped the game. I used to be one of the highest rated German rogues.
The game forces you to grind so many things that I have no interest in, that I just gave it up.
Miss a week of playing, and fall behind the curve like crazy.
• Armor sets from Traeya
• Reginald – mounts and pets
• Cold flame tempest mount from event achievement
• Historian Ma'di toys, pet, transmogs
• BRD items
• World bosses can all draw mounts from the 3 in tanaris
• Notary grably – buy titles
• Various achievements under the anniversary event
• Almost any weekly events you do can give you tokens – ones at the event and current content
• Lfr brd
New siren isle also drops from bosses
Also remember to get the "Detective" tittle which enables you to get the Felcycle mount which quest chain is rumored to stay in the game after the 20th anniversary is gone.
I'll say it, the thing I'll miss the MOST about this event is the soundtrack. Blizzard are masters of music and cinematics but WC2 songs are just built different. This is the only zone where I always keep my wow music on.
I cant be the only player who though a lot of the Armor sets were horrible, why do we have to look like some stupidly coloured pantomime drag queen, purple and pink warriors, with shoulders that would have been to much for Liberace, the event was ok for levelling some alts, other than that it was a huge time sink, new players who started the detective quest had dozens of hours wasted trying to get the cycle mount when they find out you need a pet battle to complete a later stage,,, and you feking new,,,,, so you don't have pets, though shit yet another in game reward for "the boys"
I want your UI, lol. It is the closest to what my original design, with elvui.
will be back via trading post without a doubt
Ok, where do we start?
I've been trying to get my UI set-up but even with putting old behind the folders, and starting fresh there are some things that don't change!! Ugh
You could also do the Xmas celebration event that gives you 5 bronze token daily.
I would love to see them do this with T3 armor instead of the massive ball drop they did with it costing 2.8 mill per set….It's time blizzard…it's time.