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#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #MMORPG #seasonofdiscovery
best rogue best warrior Classic classic fresh classic wow funny moments classic wow gameplay classic wow pvp Fresh PVP Battles Fresh Start Servers Hardcore WoW How to Beat Warrior mmorpg onlyfangs Payo Payo PvP top fresh twitch wow vanilla wow warrior world of warcraft world pvp wow wow classic wow classic community wow classic highlights WoW Fresh Servers WoW PvP Gameplay wow pvp tips WoW Strategy WoW Twitch Highlights wow warrior guide
Currently streaming CLASSIC FRESH everyday @ https://www.twitch.tv/payo !! Make sure to follow my twitch – maybe a little twitch prime? Have a great day everyone
What server?
3:39 LoL ? is he died or he just did /sleep directly ?😂
music time at 0:52 when he jump in the lava is just so funny lol
Haha farming these horde ppc
good pvp server, like Payo itself, tell me the name of the server
Do you wanna Mak'Sinatra?!
What is the slur he says at 0:05? Tapernak?
I was laughing so hard at start, you are amazing Payo 🤣
worst player ever
Za na war za ne wae.
How many 60 rogues does Payo have in fresh classic already!?
Slimfeld <EVEN KEELED> is a rat. guy tried to scam me out of SM boosts
That's the best jump I ever seen.
WHAT AN "art"
with the most
OP = Over Powered CLASS
in WoW Classic xD
how get the MOST CC´s, too… xD 💜
Killing fury’s warriors lmao
and the chat is on fire
You killed my father Grubby.
Im surprise he crit like that he look super undergear
Payo we honestly loved the Ze ne we zene! My gf literally foundout who you were by asking who was doing that LOL
01:00 “It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground!”
Holy hell. Little mans on fire.
My lil shita