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11.0.7 Best PVP Classes Tier List

11.0.7 Best PVP Classes Tier List


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  1. Appreciate the detailed breakdown! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

  2. Can you please make some videos on comp tier lists(3v3 and 2v2 comps even). No one ever makes those videos so for those of us that don't have 15 alts and access to the best players, we can't really experiment and figure it out ourselves

  3. Also not having enhance shaman and fury warr on S tier is laughable…. Go check the drustivar stats again for 3s and SS or better yet, climb up to a rating where your fighting at the top level and show me how you beat them because they are both 6 – 0 'ing most SS lobbies etc Fury is doing more dmg single target than an aff lock triple dotting, and Enhance is CONSISTENTLY doing 1 mill dps throughout an entire match every round. There is literally one shaman with like 20 enhances above 2700, each with around 70% or higher win rate and some of them at less than 100 rounds played. THE CLASS IS BROKEN. Am I living in a alternate reality? How are people so blind? How is no one talking about these things? HOW is supa rating enh/fury as as A tier?

  4. "feral druid is unseen but still S tier." Feral is unseen, because feral is back to being very squishy with the current king of the jungle nerf and buffs to other classes' damage. Its survivability is on its way back to being terrible. Feral has become the current target in arena over ranged characters, which doesn't make sense. We are approaching dragonflight status.

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