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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #thewarwithin
No one complains that solo que in Lol removes players from flex que
The problem with R1's being gatekept is not a Blizzard issue but a player issue sadly. You can go look at any other similar game or a private server of a low pop and the top10 leaderboards are always gatekept by the same group of people in order to keep any non-friends or unknown people away from the cutoff
Oh god please make the 3 dps shuffle a thing I insta resub
Solo shuffle is the only reason im still playing. Solo queue was the best thing that could have happened. Just needs more rewards for it
A 2v2 DPS only solo shuffle would be nice
You're just trolling for views at this point. You won't push for any change to any system no matter how many people quit. YOU are part of what is killing WoW PvP!!! Supatease is the same
Solo q is the best thing that ever happen. It gives a chance to q arena beside a normal life with work, kids, friends and stuff. The People getting older and dont are avaible allday to find groups and q 3s.
I am not very good at pvp but when solo shuffle was avalible in dragonflight It was first time I got 1.8k rating on multiple characters (multiple seasons, and Im continuing this in TWW) Thanks to it I stayed in pvp, I even tried solo rated battlegrounds (when they released in TWW) and got to 2.2k (I did like one rbg earlier in my whole carrer It was nearly impossible to get to any good group without achievment) For me at least this content increased my participation in rated pvp drastically (I am mostly pve player)
Shuffle and now blitz have absolutely negatively affected 3v3. As participation goes up in those modes, it goes down in 3v3. Those are just the numbers. There’s no denying it.
The real problem is that those modes are easier and don’t require communication; therefore, all of the mediocre and beginner players have no incentive to join 3v3. There aren’t enough reasons to take a risk and try it.They all left for the other modes and mmr just doesn’t work without enough people to push inflation.
Now the only people left are the glads, R1s, the people who were close to glad before and still want to get it, and the few people who don’t care about their rating and are just here for friends or love of the game. Those almost-glads will almost certainly never achieve it because the bracket gets more top-heavy every season, pushing them closer to the center of the bell curve. Any new people that try to play run into glads at 1700. They see no room or reason to get good or invest time when they can just yolo in the blitz.
Personally, i hate the blitz and shuffle because its robbing the 3v3 bracket of players. I wish they never were implemented.
Btw, if you’re a pvper, interested in playing group content, a genuinely nice person, and looking for a guild, let me know. We have teams queueing every night
30 min queue tho, are we all playing that much or are we waiting more than actually play. Questions questions.
Yes it did. It split the playerbase even more. The stupid decisions in Shadowlands season 3 brought the end of 3v3 (as you remember, season 2 was EXTREMELY popular, together with season 1, where many people played both 3v3 and 2v2). Then in Dragonflight with the addition of solo shuffle, 2v2 got killed as well because why do 2v2 when you can get rewards for zug-zugging in shuffle without even having the need to look for teammates? Balancing with broken disc priests in 2s that would do more damage than your dps while doing more healing than healer and still having full mana didn't help it either.
What we ended up with is dead 3v3 bracket that only the same r1 players and boosters play, and dead 2v2 bracket because you get all rewards in shuffle. And shuffle isn't even that good because as a dps your waiting times get ridiculous, and as a healer it's impossible to gain any rating if one player is significantly worse than the others as you would always end up with 3-3 with no possibilty to change the outcome. Shuffle was a final blow to rated pvp in modern wow, to an already dwindling playerbase. Nothing short of forcing people to PvP for PvE rewards (like in season 1 SL) would bring arenas back.
200 buttons to press ruined PvP not soloshuffle
FF14 and Teso are FF14 and Teso …. Wow have 4 version a classix fckin usless cataclysme a usless plunder shiiit … And other … Blizzard as to much split the community.
No, Blizzard fucking with the MMR did
i like shuffle 2
Solo Shuffle, while fun.. shouldn't be "rated".. you should be able to get full conquest gear from it, but it shouldn't be rated.
Arena's have been gutted to the point where all you see (no matter the rating) are other Gladiators. Everyone has the mounts (including me) from 1500 CR and on.. It's slower to get to 1800+ by more than double if not triple the time/games as it takes for solo shuffle.
I can get 1800 CR in just a handful of Shuffles but it takes 40-50 games on Average in 2v2 to get to 1800 even at a 2.2K+ MMR.
Solo Shuffle's ratings are hyper inflated compared to rated Arenas (2v2, 3v3). Unless they balance the amount of games and rating you get accross them all, you can't give out mounts to Shuffle, its 1,000 times easier to get a high rating in Shuffle.
…..just have to adjust/rework rewards for casuals and high rank and they will be back….crazy we are stuck in such a boring unrewarding system….time to spice it up
how hard is to aknowledge solo and blitz ruined pvp, i realy wanted to like pvp this expansion, and like you said i keep playing it and i play this modes, but when on 2nd week ppl being on 2.6k rating just gutted the pvp scene, and the mmr and how rating is calculated in all the diferent bracketts just shows how blizzard is not making a effort. i dare you to demand on blizzard to show the mmr/cr calculation formula for blitz it makes no freakin sense….
Down with retail
Yes solo shuffle 3v3 dps with passive heals or smth. Or 2v2 but only dps.
no surprise an arena player thinks world pvp sucks; there's a lot more variables that come with world pvp that can overwhelm arena players, not to mention the rule of numbers that world pvp revolves around.
More often than not, if you have more fighters than your opponents, you're gonna win. That said, organized Alliance vs Horde WPvP is one of the best, most immersive parts of the World of Warcraft experience. BFA was full of that and despite the pitfalls of warmode, WPvP was incentivized and successful. Entire communities formed around it, some of which still exist.
Good idea about highest mistweaver monk
Bullshit MMR by Blizzard Ent is the answer
I want solo shuffle. I don't think it killed anything
Shuffle would be good if you only played 1 match,
Being stuck in a game for 30mins sucks
bro coping hard
Guy nailed it, there are far superior 'solo' (single player games) which doesn't cost 15$ a month. Accept it Venruki, it's your kind who who've ruined it for everyone else, it's great for streaming and talking to 'chat' while q'ing. Arena, pvp is about strategy, teamwork, communication and coordination, without this is just mashing buttons in the most broken class. Without this intellectual part of the game healers get frustrated and quit since the healer arena experience is win 3 and lose 3 by the weakest player or the 'r1 on alt'.
The 'solo' 'lonewolf' mmo player has killed the game, you've played yourselves.
played wow 18 years or so never played as little as war within but all the issues started before it dropped.
Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz, objectively speaking, were an improvement. Where they screwed up was the rating. Losing 200 rating on a loss is bad, but gaining ZERO RATING on a win is asinine.
Don't like shuffle, loved arena, shuffle took away from arena, very simple, i hate shuffle
i think solo shuffle should have a proximity chat for just your team
I genuinely wouldn't have a sub without solo Shuffle, it's the only thing that keeps me playing. All my friends who used to play arena are long gone and sitting in group Finder only to find someone who leaves after 2 losses is awful.
healing stuff around the map would benefit certain classes way too much
"solo shuffle requires no skill"
the only people i see say that shit r the guys who ONLY q the SAME COMP for the past 15 years.
congrats dude u got "real gladiator" after playing jungle for 15k games, using voice chat the entire way
6:21 alot have already quit mate.