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The Secret of Vaelastrasz’s Lair | World of Warcraft

Centuries after their creation, the true intentions of ancient monuments are revealed…

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)

Background Music:
– “A Journey in the Dark” from the LotRO Mines of Moria Soundtrack
– “Burning Steppes” from the WoW OST

#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #worldofwarcraftclassic

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2024

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  1. the algorithm brought me to your channel recently, and I've honestly spent the past couple of days binging your WoW lore videos, they're fantastic

    I absolutely love your style here, your approach to the lore and theorycrafting is refreshing and I feel like it's filling a much needed niche in the WoW community in regards to lore discussions

    please keep doing what you're doing, I really appreciate the engaging ideas you bring to the table!

  2. The way you tell stories about this game is amazing, like an archeological approach. It's very believable and I honestly agree with everything you postulate. I think the quest writers and people behind the game had so many grand ideas that were never fleshed out, gotta remember the main devs were all dungeons and dragons players, so I'm sure they had all sorts of ideas that got forgotten. Keep up the good work. I can watch your content anytime, and I always click when I see you upload

  3. Awesome thank you. So much is missed in the rush to “complete stuff” A big part of my game is exploration but I still miss a lot. I like my Rogue because I can take time on solo exploration.❤😊Have an awesome new year everyone.❤❤❤

  4. I have been playing WoW a LOT ever since 2008. I have watched a LOT of videos about the world and the lore. I even read through all the Wikis.

    But then Jedi comes along and shows that I know nothing about Azeroth. Thank you, man! ❤

    Elune guide you.

  5. The size of the room and that it's a two-floor gallery and the two 'mini-throne' setup makes me think this was a feasthall or some kind of gathering place for celebrations. The ruling king and queen would sit up in the raised area and the floor could be setup with tables and kegs for any festive occasion. The next room after even has massive kegs stored away.

    It also doesn't make much sense to me to make a monument to your hated enemies. Large statues are works of incredible craftsmanship and I doubt they'd waste the effort to depict the people they hate the most.

  6. Somewhere in the year 1998 :
    "Hi, how do are you today? Erm, about your two giant statues ideas, I have a suggestion for the lava-zone where Dark Dwarft will live. Put tiny statues ressembling the big ones, but with funny details, so everyone will understand the mockery and how those clans have a century-old but strong hate. Had this idea during our DnD session yesterday, using puppets."
    Players during 20 years of WoW : Not noticing the link.
    Jediwarlock : Exposing the link.
    Conclusion : Damn. All that extra layers of useless lore really were an interesting face of Classic WoW.

  7. What an incredible idea, it's very easy to overlook all of the scenery in a raid environment, but this video makes me want to walk through BWL and really take a close look at it after my next run, what a great video!

  8. i always noticed those chairs and wondered about them. Never looked up from there or if i did it was while looking away from the statutes and never even noticed they were there. I always found it a bit of an odd room though. sure its got its use, but the history of this place never really hit home.

  9. These deep dives or history gathering videos are just perfect. I am a retail player, but I love going through the raids and dungeons slow and easy to just see the amazing art that the Blizz creators did. I have run that dungeon/raid area many, many times. And have given thought to 'why are there Oger's and Orc's here with dragons and Dwarves?! You have perfectly explained the WHY for me. So thank you! I have seen the statues, the coffins, the gears to move doors, the prisons, etc. And yet, I did not know the reason for it *all*. You also explained that! now when I run any of those instances, I'll know the reasons for those items in there. And I love that.
    Please keep these video's going! you have made WoW and the Lore of WoW come to life so many times now!! I certainly appreciate it!
    May the Force be with you.

  10. The shadow council bargaining for the upper levels was a later retcon. It was always implied the First Horde took the spire by force thus the heavy damage yo it that seems to be from a lot more than mere neglect. (And how they are at war to this day) the idea of common ground to make a treaty didn't even exist because prior to Warlords of Draenor there was no evidence Cho'Gall had any ties to the Old Gods before his defeat hy Rend and Maim at the temple of Sargeras.

    Thwre wasn't sime vast "Void" primal energy and faction to connect him. He was just a demon bargainer turned old god puppet much the same way Xavius or Azshara were.

  11. Its very rare to find places like this anymore, in classic era or in modern content. Even gm Island and that secret beach with night elf stuff had more videos about it. I guess people paid it no mind and just thought he room was taller to make room for a dragon, and didn't realize there was stuff unique to the room and just made the L turn into the next part of the raid

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