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DO WE DARE?! War Within Healer Tier List

Time for our very first war within healer tier list for fun and I know everyone is going to jump saying healing is not fun BUT LISTEN… up to a certain point, we had fun playing these specs so it’s fair to least try to judge them in our very subjective and biased way 🙂

If you enjoyed our 11.0.7 healer tier list, let us know in the comments and do tell what your experience was in keys with these healers, did you have fun?!

00:00 Intro
00:36 Resto Shaman
01:48 Disc Priest
03:29 Holy Paladin
05:27 Holy Priest
07:19 Mistweaver
09:16 Preservation

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  1. I dont want to heal or tank or dps in m+ or hc, because people toxic. People are preaching for healers and tanks so they can go in to M+ dungeons as dps as they allways wants, and they do want toheal or tank themself. Maybe people that are preaching should tank or heal as much as they dps or maybe 1/3 heal, 1/3 tank and 1/3 dps, and then you can preach for more healers and tanks.

  2. I mained mistweaver in dragonflight, man it was good. It looks so much better now. Im trying holy pally now and its a ton of fun, super unique. Tried shaman but its not a lot of fun. Good heals overall but it didnt feel great. It has everything youll need. Holy pally is so damn fun so far but it needs more damage and a bit more tuning. Outside of numbers its such fun to play, despite being worse than shaman or disc.

  3. They could go a long way toward reducing button bloat by consolidating some of the healing/damage abilities like they've done with Holy Shock. e.g. Combine Flash Heal & Smite to yield a healing component when used on friendly targets and a damage component when used on enemy targets. Not so freaking hard, is it!

  4. Have you guys ever sat down and listened to this guy? Worstly informed wow videos on the internet by far. Just rushes and puts out a video on anything, Half the stuff he says is incorrect information. Also repeats the same thing over and over. Not to mention he’s Terrible player. Never has a true opinion, just is on the fence about everything. Like dude has autism or something for sure. Hasn’t seen a hole or some grass in a while now. Based on what I’m seeing.

  5. I wish i could heal as a preservation evoker. I try really hard but i cant even heal a 2-man lvl 9 delve with a 600 ilvl. I can go all day as resto druid, or mistweaver monk.

  6. Thought you had missed Resto Druid as there was no time stamp and I was worried. Would agree unfortunately my favourite class is A tier right now, HPal is the class I never knew I wanted to play until about 3 weeks ago, now has higher IO than my Druid 😂

  7. holy pala most fun out there. lightsmith not as fun as herald but very effective in high keys and makes it fun that way. holy pala is and will always be my favourite healing spec and spec overall

  8. 1 Mistweaver just as a melee player i can heal in melee and if i have actually no fun i can just switch to caster healstyle 😊
    2 Shaman just because of totems and the fantasy to heal with water.
    3 normaly paly but outside of cooldowns it feels bad the hps drops a lot. Hope they do a change there but till then of course disc priest this playstyle switches between holy and shadow is pure fun and finally powerful shields again 😊

  9. No surprise, resto druid is my preferred healer for many of the reasons you mentioned! Disc priest and mistweaver and giga fun as well but druid will always be #1 for me. Team Orange ftw! 🧡

  10. Mistweaver is by far the best Healer in the game, 2 completely different playstyles in 1 tree, great cooldowns, best armor type for mogs, the list goes on

  11. I don't like dracthyr looks, I really don't like playing them and the transmogs issues sucks, still preservation is my favorite healer.

    I can't agree with the fact that Preservation is "barebone" to me I like it because I feel like the spec was so well made, there're so many spells interactions and little tricks to know and use. The simple fact that echo, as a spell, exist, transform your whole toolkit and gives you so many possibilities, from echoing to add more healing to a spell, to echoing a specific spell to share it's propriety like verdant embrace and the lifebind combos.

    There are spells like stasis that adds another layer of possibilities to the class. Lots of cds all unique plays different jobs in your kit. All of those tools create lots of possible combos to use and try

    I don't like when the healer I play have a clear solution to a problem and presvoker is the opposite of that. There are, of course, solutions you will use more often, but the fact that you have to much choice and agency as a player is what makes it fun.

    Hero talents come and add another layer of interaction with a whole new spell and a fun new gimick with chronowarden that adds lots of new possibilities.

    Still I can recognize the issues that might annoy people. The frontal cone of dream breath can be seen as restrictive, but it ends up being a fun mini-game because you have tools to circumvent it (Echo, lots of mobility, rescue). One issue I currently have with the class is Verdant Embrace, on top of being a great single target heal, it's a dash, it's the sole applicator of lifebind and it triggers Call of Ysera. All of these elements are important and I think that the spell currently has too many job and I would like them to be split, but except for that, and the fact that I have to be a dracthyr, I love pres !

    Thanks for reading my little rant, I really like your vids it's always interesting to hear other people opinions. Happy New Year !

  12. Mistweaver ruined healing for me… I love it so much I literally can't stand healing on anything else now LoL! I feel like I can be impactful at range and in melee, I'm impossible to lock down and I have actually meaningful battlefield control. It has everything I'm looking for in any roll, never mind healing. 🐼

  13. Flameshaper and especially Engulf is the bane of preservation. I wouldn't shed a tear if they removed that stupid one trick spell. The rest of the kit is pretty fun but as you said it takes ages to get good at it.

  14. Look Holy Paladin may have a plethora of problems, but… hammer smack. I get to smack. With hammer. And heal at the same time. It's so god damn fun!

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