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In this video, we dive into the major changes coming to Season 2 of World of Warcraft’s The War Within expansion. Healers will face new AoE damage challenges, while tanks need to navigate tough tankbusters. We’ll highlight key updates in the Rookery, Theater of Pain, and Cinderbrew Meadery. Join us as we break down these changes and share strategies to tackle the new content!
[00:56] The Rookery
[04:19] Theater of Pain
[08:25] Cinderbrew Meadery
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In my experience, healing in Final Fantasy 14 has been much more fun and fulfilling as a healer. Although FFXIV also has tank busters and unavoidable raid-wide damage for heal checks, the difference is that these don't come all at once. As a healer, you can almost always understand why your party members took damage. This strong sense of helping them out when they make mistakes gives a stronger feeling of being useful as a healer but in wow, everything can come at once makes almost impossible to understand why they took damage. And in FF14, the thrill of using AoE heals at the right time to save the entire party is much greater cuz its less bloated. Also, healers always deal damage when they're not healing. Tanks and healers focus much more on dealing damage, you could argue same for wow but vibe is bit different. The reason I mentioned this is that I believe Blizzard doesn't need to overwhelm healers with bloated mechanics for healing uptime to make it enjoyable. I think it's more fun to be able to predict healing a bit and use it appropriately in situations where it's really needed.
so mostly in wow, you have to heal in a chaotic, unpredictable situation with party members' health dropping randomly, interrupts are failing, and seasonal dungeon mechanics adding to the mix. It feels much helpless and stressful to heal in current retail wow.
Blizzard have got to figure out a way of punishing DPS with something other than taking damage, because effectively they are punishing the healer
They are not gonna change this formula i feel like , as you seen m+ keys numbers have almost the same as df s 3 , but way harder now , the skill cap of players will now be increased , casuals can stick with delves , and tryhards can go with the infinite m+ key pushing.
Is this a very bad thing ? not really , you can stick with delves and +4 low keys to farm crests get your max champ upgrade , then it will help smoothing out the other higher key levels , people complained in df s 3 , while we had the best m+ season there , and now people will still complain , it is what it is , remember that ion said "encounters are made based on addons" , mean you have to use these tools to make the game easier , there Cell for healers , it shows who is gonna have a casted spell on the moment mobs start casting it , which is insane for reactive healers , shows also the defensives people use , shows also the dots you can dispel with a big icon , there is also dbm voice announcer , tells you everything going in the dungeon by voice , use these tools and you'll see how crazy your healing will improve.
I can bet 80% of players don't know that cell exist and dbm voince announcer do , they just pump their crazy healing spell on a paladin using his bubble , or the tank having his big mitigation , while they ignore the others who don't have defensives.
Also increasing the dungeon difficulty for the mdi is a very questionable statement , mdi players don't care about the timer , mdi is about who finish the key first , plus the mdi players are maxed out on gear doing a +10/11/12 key range
Messing about with the ToP enrage feels shitty. After a whole season of MW where it wasn’t worth a talent point but a quarter of the dungeon pool I had to bring decurse in dps…they need to sort out a more universal cleanse pool and balance.
The changes generally – I struggle to have enough faith in Blizzard. They tend to feel like multiple teams working in silo rather than all plugged in to a common goal. They spend too long designing around the top 1%, problems they perceive or engagement metrics.
Zero sympathy. You guys complained tanks were too strong. Now deal with the consequences and do what you wanted to do: heal.
I would rather have something going on rather then df and sl where the vast majoroty of dmg only happens because people make mistakes.
Imo if a mechanic is failed it shouldnt just be dmg as the consequence since then the healer is being punished for some dps mistake, it should just straight 1 shot if failed mechanic.
Aoe pulse dmg kinda has too happen for healer too actually have a part in the dungeon outaide of just bossess.
I seriously wonder what Blizzard is thinking these days by keeping tanks weak and increasing the AoE damage to the group. If my heals were focused more on the group because of the self sufficient tank, it wouldn’t be as obnoxious but it’s like they’re purposely making it an agitating experience
The reaction to the tank nerfs was overwhelmingly negative but they stuck to their guns. This season was an epic failure and they still are sticking to their guns on this one. Going off of that information I don't have a lot of faith in them going back on this.
That thumbnail tho
"why no healers signing up?"
Shawn don't panic for healers. Didn't you read the tier sets coming??? Blizzard gave all healers a random and unreliable way to apply insurance on people to help tickle em back up. Ez.
But…but…they gave us the RING…and some mounts…and…yea.