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Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves.

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  1. Just my 2c. I remember when blizzard last tried to crack down on these guys. They hacked and DDOS their servers. They are perfectly happy burning the entire town down so long as they have their drug alley. Can't even say it's coordinated, it's just a bunch of independents running a few sweat shops.

    Lol, this is a cyber war. The stakes are good MMORPGs that are fun AND profitable.

  2. Who knows!!! Maybe Blizzard do the black market behind the scenes….. Tax-free business, guys! Just think with clear mind… I saw that for many years in video games…. Maybe I think wrong, but, what is not? Otherwise, the whole of humanity is going downhill and getting dirtier and dirtier and rotten… The funny golden age is over from 90.s….

  3. I don't agree with the death threats but I believe you said he goes around killing Bots. My question would be, why? If true, leave the fkrs alone and they will leave you alone. I see several videos of these people killing Bots like they're some kind of WoW police. Again, I don't condone death threats for any reason.

  4. I thought you couldn't bot. Only time i ever ran scripts was to fish & turn in fish for rep lol But even then, every couple hours I'd move around or log off & back on. I thought blizz bans accounts for that.

  5. And yet Blizzard will continue to turn a blind eye to these terrorist botters and continue banning and punishing people for doing stuff like insulting others.

  6. this might be an unpopular take, but blizz isn't really at fault for the botting, the player base as a whole is. we tolerate a game with bots, and tolerate people in our circles that pay for botted services, indicating to blizz and the market as a whole that the players are okay with it. and at the end of the day, you cant expect a company who believe their customers are okay with a particular practice that isn't illegal to go out on a limb and stake their company on the hope that principles will carry them through and keep paying the bills. they are there to make money, and there is currently no reason for blizz to handle the bots because the players are not rejecting them or the people who pay them.

  7. It’s kinda like they have gotten to big to point where in 2024 everything has drastically shifted over media sources and they can’t control the issues outside games or in game the help function is just not there. Same goes for FF14 for those that play it and have been exposed to the reality role play side of it people are doxed and threatened in real life daily the TOS needs to be stricter and Cybersecurity needs to be tighter to keep players or users safe

  8. I dont advocate for breaking the rules but it is rationale for whoever is making bread from the gold to do what they gotta do especially if the developers be slacking its on them. Thats why i don't play blizzard also come one bro don't threaten ppl – real business men always find a way to agree if they are about the Guwop (Money) long term.

    Anyways. Thats wild my guy , trust nobody as they say . But everybody gotta eat. Perspective is key.

  9. This guy's words are pure gold if you take a step back a think about he is saying without emotions involved. Again he is explaining why people do bad things without justifying it nor judging it right or wrong. That might be so unfimiliar but the matter of the fact is that there is much truth that very few people can handle. Total respect

  10. So how do these botters that threaten him find out who he is and where he lives, etc etc… ?? Did he tell everyone his real name and address in his videos ??

  11. No, Asmongold. You do not kill your competition. You do not kill a person for trying to do something right. If you are breaking the rules to make money you don’t double down on your mistake by sending a death threat and carrying it out. That’s wrong. However, Blizzard should be enforcing their rules. They ban people for other matters, but then let these gold farmers make real money off their game. That’s also wrong.

  12. Another minor thing regarding Blizzard I just want to share: I’m a StarCraft player, I played co-op more often but love to relive the story after a while. In the whole 2024 I haven’t been able to play the campaign, any campaign… Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm or Legacy of the Void, none… why? Once you just start a new campaign you play the first mission and after beating it you are back in the introductory video… and you are in a never ending loop. Auto saves don’t work. You can not load a saved file because they don’t appear in the selection… is like it’s empty an new. But they are there in your PC local files intact.

    So I reported it 3 times in the support system they have… they only send you to the forums, a topic is there with the issue. Also, more people are in the same situation, and nothing happens. A whole year you can’t play a game you own, because some new update f***d up the rest.

  13. Absolutely true about the freakin’ bots – Blizzard ALLOWED it to go on, zero PROPER crackdowns & Blizz is just letting their Blizzard Bots deal with other bots. Blizzard’s own commercial policies as the game moderator needs to up their game, but instead they are ALLOWING 3rd party gold making schemes and cheating.

  14. People forget the damage that can be done just using the internet. Sure maybe you think it’s unlikely they can cause physical harm, but what about the digital harm? There is a lot that can be done over the internet alone.

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