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Emiru’s Final Death in World of Warcraft [Onlyfangs]

Emiru’s Final Death in World of Warcraft [Onlyfangs]

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Song: Energetic Particles
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  1. the guild-self-found and no-mobtagging rules this time are too much, only the sweatiest sweats are gonna make it to raid like this. And Soda specifically didn't want the sweats. Tho he is currently not the guild master so idk..

  2. It was only a matter of time she’s just not cut out for the game either is Mizkif don’t see him getting to 60 either the hardest part is the slow grind and not getting overconfident and lazy but there’s nothing difficult about hitting 60 it’s not that hard if you know what you are doing and understand the game

  3. Emiru, do you even wanna play the fkin game? You don't run sideways, you didn't use the aspect when none was hitting you to get away fast, you didn't wind clip. I mean if you don't even wanna play the game, it's fine. Just stop playing if you don't like it, why do this cringe shit.
    You didn't use everything okay, get over yourself.

  4. OK here is a tips for all your new hunter. NEVER run with your pet. Let it die. If you run with your pet the mob will all go on you after a while. And you also double the lease timer.

  5. I don't understand why they're playing hardcore, why she's following him so deep into a troll camp, why he's died like 12 times and still thinks he's making the correct choices, why she trusts his word in this game… There's just so many questions. I think Emi's actually a decent player, she's just latched herself to Miz for some reason. When Soda died, Vei didn't continue following him around like a lost puppy. Emi doesn't NEED to be with the guy who dies more prolifically than any other. Ho hum.

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