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Fresh Classic Hardcore Moments 57 💀

Layering in a cave! Compilation 56 of the latest deaths and highlights from the World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore servers.

Streamers: Xaryu, LightSkinJesus973, DesiHeat, Fasffy, arcturra, bislan, RealGenius76, kush_hc, 乃の丂丂, ziqoftw, lurkerinsilence, pikabooirl






Check out this WoW Classic Hardcore compilation featuring a mix of deaths, highlights, close calls, and funny moments. Experience the excitement and challenges of WoW Classic gameplay with these intense moments.

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  1. you can think by his emotions that it is for content but its a lvl 26 not a big deal especially if its not your first char. but when he took off his headset it looked like he wanted to make it more dramatic. that is why it seems fabricated

  2. real genius that name is 100% ironic. im gonna LOS range this fight but forgets to put his pet on passive doesn't use any buttons his mage friend takes the chimera he pulled from his pet which was also a bad pull he didnt mean then when hes completly safe and his mage friend has the MOB he runs towards and enemy and then to his pet and takes a mob off his pet aswell now he has 2 mobs on him for no reason holycrap this is god level tier stupid and to top it all of he has his mouse on fear and doesnt use it and try's to healthstone because his PT told him to this cant be real im dreaming

  3. Every Onlyfangs guild death makes this world a little bit better.
    Their fans think they are doing something serious.
    They themselves think they are achieving something.
    It's a game, grow up.

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