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3 Settings to improve your aim in call of duty mobile
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In this video I showed you how to get a better aim in codm. I have talked about the best practices to improve your aim with any guns in cod mobile. Besides there are also many exercises that are mentioned here which will make your aim better. Many people make a lot of mistakes while aiming in the game, so to improve your aim you must avoid these mistakes. People may also be confused about the best sensitivity for aiming which is why some players may have a bad aim in cod mobile. There are many ways to improve your aim in cod mobile, some include practicing in the training mode, doing aiming exercises etc. But there are also factors such as muscle memory, sensitivity and other habits that are needed to have a good aim in cod mobile. Using the right HUD is also important for having a better aim in cod mobile. If you have a bad aim, then you must practice your aiming skills and reflexes to improve your aim. You also need to work on your aim centering in order to have a better aim in codm. It is a common miss understanding that if you use a different sensitivity than a famous player, then your aim is going to be bad. But that is not true at all. You can use a sensitivity that you are comfortable with and still have a better aim. All you need to do to get a better aim is work on your muscle memory, practice with bots in the training mode and do a lot of aiming exercises. So if you want a better aim then make sure to watch the video till the end!
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😔🔥idk but i feel like my reaction is the one that pulling me back…
Btw crazy gameplay
Aimbot unlocked 👍🏻
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