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The Dark Side Of WoW Battlegrounds Has Been EXPOSED

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  1. How can this old players dont understand why anybody would do this? Its not ego or the fun of winning ( mostly atleast ), its achivments. And when Blizzard puts shit like 500 honor level or 250.000 honor kills achivments, and there are achivments collectors who dont enjoy PvP, you get this.

  2. Make addons ban-able. No more addons. They suck and ruin the fun as is and create a toxic atmosphere. Seeing things like this just further that toxicity. This is straight f***ed. Blizz, please just make any and all addons ban-able at this point

  3. The most fun, memorable matches have been where the final score is really really close. What these people are doing is flexing about beating Comp Stomp. It should be perma bans for everyone running that addon.

  4. I think this is just a presentation of what the addon is capable of, using normal BGS & Epic BGS as a template. This can, and most likely already is being used for things like Shuffle and BGBlitz.

  5. I have been screaming about this for a long time. I made a full report including screen shots and sent it off to blizzard. I was told that we all sign the same TOS and that was that. It broke my heart to see such disregard for these groups that cheat all day, everyday. Fair consequences should be: Ban and removal of community queuing, removal of all honor levels, and removal off all the addons that they use. Epic bgs are to be a fun casual game that anyone should feel comfortable stepping into. The amount of people I see leaving a game once they realize they are fighting a premade is insane. I dont blame these people for leaving but in the same it creates more of a mess. I hope this video reaches someone at Blizz and they finally see what is going on. Thank you for the video ♥

  6. This has been going on for along time, the fact people are just starting to notice this is kind of funny and sad. When shadowlands Season 1, with the CR inflation, the mogs and the mounts were awesome, there was a TON of this starting because, EVERYONE wanted the mounts and the mogs so.. of course cheaters would see this as an opportunity to capitalize on the earnings they could make with selling carries, etc. Just no one (Blizzard) didn't care because, its not PvE related.

    Cheater's are getting more "Bold" because, blizzard does nothing to really crack down on cheaters in PvP. They simply just allow it…. at least it seems that way. As long as these cheaters keep buying multiple accounts, I guess its in the favor of business short term but, in the long run destroys the PvP community as a whole and blizzard doesn't seem to get it and wonders why they are losing player base.

    There are also deeper issues as well, that PvPer's deal with is "Vicious Bloodstones" are a AH commodity that is still highly sought after. So, again cheaters will find the most efficient ways to farm honor to sell these. As soon as you add a real dollar value to a video game currency you will ALWAYS have someone that will try to exploit this to "piggy back the system" to make money. A prime example of this was when Diablo 3 first launched and there was an AH for players to get gear and we all know how well that turned out in the end..

    The amount of scripting, sub-scripting, kick bots, macro sequencing functions, all these hidden addons is actually insane these days. I been playing for a very long time now and i dont think i have ever seen it this bad. There is a reason why no one wants to PvP this days and this is a big part of it.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's going on and blizzard needs to regain control or lose the overall community as a whole. Take one look at Drustvar website to see the PvP activities in the last 24/48 hrs and its sad.

  7. The reason WoW is dead is because Blizzard doesn't play their own game. They need a new pvp mode where both teams have equal healers. And all champions have equal gear.

  8. this is not rated pvp right? so what is the actual issue? you don't lose or gain anything of worth just get less or more honor, and honor is so easy to farm in many ways, is it really that big of a deal?

  9. have had and endless rows of none rated bgs and epic bgs with what seem like full premade Russian teams ( all Cyrillic names ) cant understand why you would troll win, with zero competition, sad and pathetic if your self esteem needs this , you really are the bottom of the scum barrel, you want to play as a team , fine 07 go rated premade, PS reported 27 instances of this with screenshots to Blizz, they refused to do anything unless i reported each player in each bg separately, Blizz does not give a shit about PVP all they give a fk about is Mythic

  10. Thanks for bringing up this issue. Top-tier players may not be aware of it because they mostly focus on Arena, but this has been a persistent problem for years. If Blizzard neglects this, the player base will continue to shrink. Just know that PvP on the Korea and Taiwan realms has essentially become extinct due to abusing and the one-sided slaughter by premades, which ended its lifespan. When PvE streamers tried to experience PvP, these idiots in premades show up, causing slaughter on the streams and eventually advertising 'don’t play PvP'.

  11. Rich nerds in hearthstone arena will spend thousands of dollars rerolling decks and use an addon to pick the best possible outcome… That's the level of dirk we're dealing with.

  12. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons. Ban addons.

    Allow ONLY detail/recount and some very basic cosmetic addons.

  13. i don't get why you would go through this much effort for unranked lobbies? Also, is there really TOS regarding addons being publicly available? seems like every streamer has their own addons like naowhui that are only available to subscribers. No shade to anyone i pay to use some so was moreso curious what the wording is regarding the TOS on that matter.

  14. what a surprise WoW is a shitshow and non competitive cause of addons?? who would have ever see this coming .. this shit was so obvious for years and years.

    and the most fun part is … This will never change and you guys know why? cause blizzard doesnt give a single fuck and never did , u guys just shove the money in their ass and they laugh at you.

    Same shit 10 Years ago and its still ongoing

  15. faced the same loser in AV mostly different times a day and different days/weeks. as soon as u spotted his name u knew 15min deserter is the better use of time… they also like said in the video dodge every snipe grp created and just farm the 15 people left ressing at the GY until 600 goes to 0 without tapping a single tower

  16. Add-ons allowed us to improve quality of life from the game interface. Now we started to exploit add-ons around the end of wotlk. When we started detecting casts off screen in pvp. You sould not have assistance playing the game against another player. Addons need to be stripped to its intended purpose. Quality of life improvments. Like consolidating all of your bag and bank spaces into one screen, Auction house add-ons, I'm not a big fan of the quest add-ons. You know I miss reading the quest and having to use context clues to decipher where to go or what to do. Now it's just point a to point b crap. I'm getting off topic.. The true skill of PVP in world of Warcraft is testing your skill versus another player. Add-Ons now kind of act like AI. They let you know when they're drinking, they let you know when they're casting on anyone, they let you know the status of their cooldowns, they tell you when and where to stand. In my opinion it kind of reduces The player down to just a rotation. It takes so much skill and awareness away from the game.

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