These are my genuine first impressions, and to be honest I really enjoy this Raid’s sets, they really give into the class fantasy and I’m impressed!
Let me know which of these sets is your favorite, I’m curious to hear!
Timestamps for each class below:
Warrior: 00:24
Paladin: 01:02
Death Knight: 02:03
Hunter: 02:50
Shaman: 04:06
Evoker: 05:13
Rogue: 06:15
Monk: 07:16
Druid: 08:25
Demon Hunter: 09:26
Priest: 10:52
Mage: 12:02
Warlock: 13:16
For business inquiries:
Shaman … once again … look dumb … We will never get a good Shaman set I swear. They literally REFUSE to build a class role set. Shaman may be the "element" masters, but the main aspect in communing with the spirit realm and such, is just 100% lost. I don't get it … and even the element looking sets, are so dumb. These new shoulders are like a lame version of two past sets , which were pretty lame themselves. Nothing screams "Shaman" with ANY of there sets, minus the OG sets.
Edit: Warlock and DK sets take the cake. Druid is pretty good too … and I have always hated druids….
Monk is a super sayan straight foward
Man this is garbage….
I’m literally going to get every class to 1800 next season! Sets look mega
Hunter's set is like shit….
Mage, Shaman (mythic), Rouge & Monk look nice the rest is 💩
Druid set is based off Drustvar 100%
Your opinions are absolutely terrible, but I appreciate the video as a resource.
Seeing new sets is also my favourite. Can’t wait for the day that Tinkers become a class and get new seasonal sets as well!!!
I dont think I agreed with a single thing you said in this video, like damn.
really frustrating that all purple sets are the pvp ones … something I will never have then …..
Warlock and mage look Stupid as Fuk why do they make plate better looking and others ???? But cheapen the priests and warlock and mage sets
ah yes back to the most genericky looking dungeon blue armor sets again…….wooh… for the DK and rogue those look awesome, but the rest are beyond boring and uninspiring… you remember when each Tier set was tied with the theme of the patch it was released in? Each of these save for the aforementioned sets looks so genericky you could swap them all around and I'd easily think they were for the swapped classes, we're going to kezan! Where's my bolted together scrap metal armor? My mechanical mechanized suit that looks like it is a hydraulic exosuit? My random arcing lightning and sparking gismo covered armor? Its all just so generic and so BLAND, nothing I see makes me go "Whoa! that looks like x or y!" instead its like….oh thats an ok looking green leveling item…I guess I can part it out for other transmog sets………
Monk set is just above and beyond amazing, warlock is what i play and it felt okey, but damn monk They realy put al in on that one
Is there a New PvP Illusion?
Unpopular opinion: shaman set sucks this season.
I agree DK set wins hands down !
Thanks for this dude. Not feeling the warrior, hunter or Druid and those boots in the Mage set are horrific…..WHAT ARE THOSE? You could sail across the Atlantic in those 😂😂 Some of the colour combinations are awful especially on classes with no ties to the colours.
thanks for the video. I have to say tho – you have to be semi blind my man.
My brain auto filled the monk set as "Ageless Serpent's Foreskin" LMAO
No pvp set for dk?
Warlock looks soo epic
Great vid, I disagree with you on the warlock set this time, however. I am not a fan. The monk and death knight sets are my favourites.
Season 1 sets set the bar so goddamn low. Thank god they stepped their game up…
Edit: DK set in terms of design is my favorite. But Monk has the BEST animation going on with their Elite/Mythic sets. They need to make more sets that have animated/motion influenced armor. The sets from WoD were some of the sickest ones to date, imo.
dK Wins for sure
Shaman's looks great! But I thought the mythic colors belonged to the heroic version 😢 And I'm very disappointed for the Warlock's LFR shoulders (my fav version) because of the lack of fel visuals!
rogue elite… hnds down.. could mix nicely with heroic nerubar set 🙂
Monk. Clearly this noob has never watched Dragonball in his whole life. Lol.
Many set look fail on orcs, Human is better.
Waste of an opportunity to not go engineering/goblin themed armor sets to match the raid instance! So much potential and they wasted it trying to go “class fantasy” themed instead. None of those sets look like they should drop from Undermine.
seems like you are mostly complaining which ruins the vibe tbh..
Thanks for showing with the theme beeing Maschine stuff i hoped that the Sets Would be More Mecha style Maschine Like gundams or something Wow never hat that Would be awesome to see More style break themes we have so many armor Like that
The Demon Hunter set is actually a corrupted Warden armour. Basically a demon Warden, which is sick imo.
Warlock looks awful imho. Vest coloring is mediocre and the helmet is hard to understand at first glance. Myrhic Rogue looks awesome
I hate the pirate rogue stuff
Bro am i bugging? the Monk set is so friggin good lol
DK’s do win
Warlock set looks sick!!!
I hate how the best particle effects are reserved for the 1% of people who actually raid mythic. I think it's a poor choice, and there could easily be better alternatives for mythic rewards versus reserving the best armour skins in the game for mythic raiding. Also as a shaman player, the armor looks TERRIBLE. I mean nothing about it screams shaman, we don't use orbs? Why are there orbs in the armor?
DKs win again while druids are left with the ugliest shit.
Is the Mythic DK model bugged? It's missing the red edge glow on the skirt.
WoW and its ridiculously large shoulders, lol. not a Monk player, sic set tho. good vid, good info.