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11.1 Mythic+ Doom: Blizz Finally Admits IT!

In the most recent Ion Hazzikostas interview with PC Gamer, we found out that 11.1 m+ is a top priority for the devs and they are well aware of the player sentiment with a resounding quote from the game director himself “they are not fun”. Patch 11.1 is currently in its first build on the PTR and while some changes are looking promising, there are lot more they need to address!

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  1. This is my take, others are free to disagree with it – I'm almost sure the more elite players will. This season I came in a bit late and right now I'm hovering around keys that are 12-13s. I'd considered trying to push to max 15s but I don't think I'll hit it in time for S02. I would say I'm pretty average, not terrible but not a major pumper either – I try to know my class and the dungeons well and research/learn where I can.

    Despite playing higher than 10 keys, I'd still say M+ is too difficult. To clarify, before I get the "Stop being a crybaby, git gud" comments, I'm not suggesting M+ be dumbed down to be brain dead and hitting 2-3 buttons, we want challenge. M+ is the reason I play WoW, I love this mode and if it wasn't present I would likely raid a little and log off – it should feel tough….but there are too many things that can go wrong like one shot mechanics that kill you out of nowhere. You go in with a good group and at the higher levels, you make one or 2 missteps and you're done, like trying to tip toe around a minefield while engaging in battle. Then the key falls apart and you're back to dungeon finder queueing again, just feels bad.

    Also the decision about not depleting keys after hitting a certain rio or achievement next season is utterly tone deaf to me. I play one char, no alts – how does that help me? I'm sure other players are in the same position.

    It's easier to take the attitude of 'just get better', but last time I checked this was an MMO and it feels like players of varying skill levels should be able to participate. I keep hearing about how DF got it perfect, although I never experienced it myself as I came in right at the end.

    I have to reiterate as I want to be clear. I don't want M+ to go brain dead mode. Having an awesome team and blasting where we know what mechs are coming up and how to flow through the dungeon are some of the most thrilling moments I had in WoW, but the system could really use a revamp.

    Last point and I say this half jokingly almost tongue in cheek…. Please give us warriors BL so we get more invites 😅

  2. The dungeons are just fking tedious after waiting half an hour in queue. You have to be perfect in every pull or you’re done and wasted all your time. God forbid you kill a boss or two and then wipe. 15-20 mins gone

  3. Blizzard should make every spec/class Meta this is the Real problem here… being forced to play meta specs for M+ it's getting very old I wanna play what I want to play with out getting Declined for not playing a meta class I hope Blizzard make every spec /class fun and exciting to play. maybe wow wouldn't be struggling to keep there player data base from Disappearing.

  4. They should give us an m+ dungeon queue, where the ilvl required is say 5 less than what drops in the dungeon, you must have completed the prior tier, and this only scales to +10 or something. Then make 10s less comp dependent and add a comp dependent affix after 10. Then we can push with meta comps but actually get into a dungeon within an hour and be less discriminatory for the less meta classes.

  5. Old guy perspective: i don’t like long queue times,my game time is limited , i don’t like timers, i dont like older dungeons in current expansion timeline,I don’t like toxic people. Delves are not like that. It’s the best feature for me in the last 10 years.

  6. Honestly, until they make it as PUG-friendly as S3 Dragonflight was, I won't be back, as many people here in the comments, it seems. I really like they squished key numbering from 1-20 to 1-10, that's cool, just make sure content for sweaty players are on 10+ keys, as it was back then on 20+.

  7. Season2. If you not have a good geoup and pug? You have no fun at all. Tank and heal search for there mates and thats it. Noone wants the normal pug player if the skill level for them is so hight

  8. Remove keys. Add tiers. You cleared tier 1? You unlocked the ability to do tier 2. All the way up to tier 15. No longer randomized dungeons. And can pick any tier you wish to run that you have unlocked.

    Remove timers.

    Removing debuffs that can only be removed by some of the healers.


  9. I love playing my destro lock. It my favourite spec and i have been maining it since OG wrath. Nowdays i feel like it would be easier to nail pudding to a wall than to find good groups… Its not the best spec out there in the meta but it has good things going for it.

  10. Best Solution: They have the tools to fix it right?

    They should play their own game from starting point on TWW till the End without their GM Tools and Gear. They should aquire their Gear like we do, they should push Keys like we do and they should do the Raids like we do. When they see the difference in the Classes they can fix it. ( I hope they can )

  11. this is SO easy. Bring back the old style of interrupts. Put crests back at 6 and Myth at 8. Its fixed. everyone will run again. The issue is they moved the rewards so far up the chart they arent worth reaching for.

  12. I feel like difficulty is just increased way too high between each key. I feel like it shouldn't be as hard as it is to hit +10 keys as a tank or heals. I actually like the dungeons but I just feel, as a tank, I gotta insanely focus on defense. I'm a protection warrior and yeah I'm not perfect at the game but I always have shield block, ignore pain, rotate defensive CDs, always try to interrupt. I feel like I get beat down hard as a 620 in +10keys

  13. The dps class imbalance is a 27% spread from the best in spec. The worst it's ever been.

    The number one shams are doing almost 30% more damage than classes like the number 1 BM hunters, Dev Evokers. With Dev being so terrible that it's the only class not currently in range for being represented for title this season.

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