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We NEED Blizzard to do the MERGES | Cataclysm Classic

We NEED Blizzard to do the MERGES | Cataclysm Classic

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  1. as someone who is new to cata and new to raid leading,some need more time.
    a lot of cata classic comprises of ppl who have played on private servers and the ptr, and are well seasoned WoW players.
    we have 2 staves but only 3/7 H rn and we need more time., many other like us out there
    idk why my comment was removed

  2. My Guild <THEHATED> On Faerlina Alliance has been trucking along and love world PvP we have a very small population, but we make do with what we have. We don't want to change servers cause of the guild and all that we have achieved with our low pop. A merger would be amazing.

    Coming up on Mop thinking about how hard it is going to be for us with the Daily spots and Timeless isle and all that is gonna be hard. Thank you for being that voice for change we need Scotte!

  3. A thing i noticed is, that it's getting more and more difficult to find players who can Raid twice a week.
    we're doing Monday/Wednesday 19:3023:00 HC 25man and it'S rough to find players….
    But my guild isn't the only one. Lots of guilds on my server are looking for just a few more players… like 1-3 to fill their roster and be able to raid comfortably.
    In december we lost 3 full IDs because of christmas and new years stuff.
    We're still hoping that we can clear atleast once before Dragonsoul comes out.

  4. Cross server and raid finder is cancer for the community. The death of the game happens because of harming the community. Flex raiding has the same problem as guilds dont really recruit…

  5. Fully agree, playing on Firemaw EU only because its the biggest Allience server, only interested in PvE and PvP annoys me quite a lot even though there is like 1% of horde on the server. Would love to have a huge PvE dedicated servers with enough ppl to actually find raids and stuff.

  6. Rather than balancing servers Id rather they added warmode to the game and just ran things the same as retail. I think the majority of people on pvp servers these days wouldn't really be that happy to have to pvp all the time, but having the option of warmode for people who do would be really great in my opinion.

  7. Master Pat Frick says he is going to give Scottie a Rising Sun Kick to the face if he keeps asking Blizz to fuck with server consolidations. Blizzard never has understood what 'optional' means

  8. I actually think Blizzard want it both ways, they want people to migrate to big servers, but they also want people to pay for it themselves. Why else would they offer the service for €25? And if you want to change faction, that's another €30!

  9. I dont know why ppl hated cata. It has so many QOL changes. Yes you cant compare it lore wise to Wotlk, but then again i dont think you can actually compare any expansion to it.

  10. If MoP launches with flex raiding, sooooooo many people will join and stick around. The main reason I see people quit is because of the roster boss. It was awful for our guild in ICC and we had to start running GDKP to fill raid spots and that's still our system to this day in Firelands, at least on 25m. But our leader has straight up said "yeah if MoP launches with flex it'll just be us guildies and friends"

  11. Im all in for thouse who play on smal or almost dead servers to merge to have bigger ones. But I play on Firemaw wich is one of the biggest so why the hell do I need to merge with the horde server just so a few players who want world pvp can do that, when maybe many will loose their character names etc… Want to do PvP ? Do BGs!. Who even plays world pvp now a days 🤣
    So that one is a big N O for me xD

  12. Really good point – I play alliance on firemaw EU but it was complete luck that i rolled there back in wrath and found the most populated ally server by chance. From time to time i see the odd horde player when leveling an alt and just feel sorry for them (usually after ganking them with a full heirloomed toon, but it is what it is)

  13. They listened but instead merged SoD and classic fresh servers in BG.. next up tell them to keep frostburn mastery for frost mages in MoP instead of icicles and to keep the fireblast glyph in the game as well.

  14. You are absolutely wrong, sorry to say, I never ONCE heard anyone on Firemaw say they miss world pvp, it's an outdated stupid concept, EVERYONE and I mean everyone just play there cause it's the biggest server for alliance. Forcing mergers would be a disaster, some would leave, some would stay, it would just make these mega servers smaller (which sucks, the bigger the better) and split the population. World pvp SUCKS and will always suck.

  15. I mostly play retail, but i have been happy to see a large number of people when I play my level 85 gnome mage on Pagle or on my alts. I haven't been raiding, but it's fun running heroic dungeons to get better gear. I would enjoy server population balance being better more for seeing Horde characters out and about (not for PVP since I don't partake).

  16. Feels like if they force balance the pvp servers 80% of the players will move to pve ones then the pvp servers will become low population and the remaining players will move as well cos of that and we'll be on square one again.

  17. I've been saying combine all the servers and put warmode in early.

    Also I'm on Grobb alliance and the server has died since anniversary came out. The big horde pvp guild and the big alliance pvp guild both left. The last GDKP going just died this week.

  18. We don't use Raid finder on Markrik because we are old and crabby or not old and quite self important. I meant that jokingly but I think accidentally hit the nail on the head.

  19. Bloodsail Bucc server player here…I would love like 3 mega servers. But am happy to settle for either cross realm Auction Houses/Group finders, or atleast LFR (hoping it comes in Dragonsoul).

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