I have tested all the ins and outs of the 11.1 mm hunter rework and although it’s quite early in the patch 11.1 ptr cycle, the foundations are here and we are going to talk about it. 11.1 hunter wow will still remain one of the most popular classes in the game but since we got a lot of 11.1 changes, this rework has definitely taken the spot, let’s see how it behaves 🙂
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In the beginning Demo Locks had no "Demon" form iam an Warlock no demon. Stopped playing when they brought it in .. starts playing when they gave it the Demon Hunter. Such Things can go in both ways. I personal hate this form, i want to summon Demons not be an demon.
Dark ranger should ve been a class on its own wielding void power .
"Marksmanship Hunters Can Retain Pets in 11.1" Aaaaand the pet is back, folks!
Yh the whole no pet was kinda needed.
I personally really like how they Streamlined the spec 🙂
Legion mm was the best. Aoe was so much fun. All this little arrows flying to all the mobs feeled so powerful and yeah wod demo lock was the best class in the game.
Idk why blizzard always destroyed the classes I like.
Hunters need a pet in PvP.
I dont thnk MM lost its idenity because it lost its pet. in fact MM's idenity is even more solidified. Ever Since lone wolf was brought into the game is when MM changed from using a pet to not using a pet. I think this is a great and healthy change for the spec
Imagine changing MM to be a non-caster ranged spec, so we have another option that is not BM
I miss my pet :/
@1:40 the fact that you didn't even mention discipline priest redo in Legion really rips a hole in my heart. Dude! 🙁
I really don't like how all the "tuning" going on right now is VERY obviously happening just to make the tier bonuses not suck. It's just as obvious as Hpal where instead of buffing a z-tier healer they are just moving healing around into Holy Shock to prop up the tier bonuses.
We should be designing tier bonuses around specs, not the other way around holy shit…..
I had to live with Rapture being a thing and not touching Affli since, MM pet-stans can get over it and play something else just like me.
I'll be the weird one here: I'm fine losing the pet with MM (although it was nice to have with delves), but I am really upset about losing Barrage. Sure, barrage was shit for most content, but it's an amazing quality of life for older content or anywhere that you want to pull tons of mobs to farm things.
Don't mind this change at all. I'm really excited to have my pet utility in PVP without needing to worry about the dumb thing getting itself killed all the time. Now if only Blizzard could give me back gladiator stance warrior though…..
Ive said it before and ill say it again, WoW players are the biggest complainers and will bitch and moan about literally every and anything and will take something so so small and turn it into a thanos level threat. Happens every week.
Man…. Metamorphosis…. Never forget
calling this a rework is a stretch
by the end of WOD, my MM hunter with Lone wolf was doing stupid damage, i hope its similar to this new overall
I was excited but for now it’s not playing well on ptr.
The biggest problem is Trickshots.
They need to bring Brack S3/4 DF tier set please!!!!!
I was excited but for now it’s not playing well on ptr.
The biggest problem is Trickshots.
They need to bring back S3/4 DF tier set please!!!!!
The only sad thing for me is that aspect of hydra and trick shots being two seperate thing. Give up AOE to get Cleave is so stupid.
I initially felt sad when I heard that MM was losing its pet. ‘How can you be a hunter without a pet?’ But I don’t play MM much, it’s definitely a third for me after BM and Surv. So it’s good to see that true MM players are liking this change. So good luck to you lone wolf shooter boys.
How about the apm? I like methodical gameplay and MM had among the lowest apm. Any data?
Why ppl cry about losing a pet… you still have 2 more specs where you have pet… Lone wolf FTW!
I have been playing hunter since Oct. 2006 – but I've never played MM. This looks super-interesting, I might give a try when it goes life!
if you want to play with pets, play BM, i play both spec..for MM i prefer no pet, sniper style
I like the idea of slower but powerful shots instead of fast shots, MM is a sniper. So having more crit and crit damage is cool for me. It fits. I always disliked out main cd. I want my cds to feel powerfull like: OH SHIT CD IS UP, BIG NUMERS INC.
f in chat for mm hunter rip.
I agree, give demonology meta back
Have mained hunter for 18 years. Glad they got rid of pet for MM. I have BM and SV if I want to use a pet.
*Markspersonship Hunter
Play BM if you want pets boomers
Seeing this rework I am glad I quit my Hunter in Legion. All around changes over the many expansions that make the class worse and worse. BM is for toddlers, MM once again without a pet and Survival is rather boring compared to its first version in Legion with all the cool damage traps and Lacerate.
Its insane how much more fun and interesting Pets were in Classic and SoD and in Retail they are just… there… since WoD.
Shame to see how expac by expac the Game cares less and less about being an RPG. Of course a Marksman Sniper has a machine gun double tap Rapid Fire and not one or two hardhitting shots. Cataclysms Aimed Shot into Chimera Shot was still peak MM.
Public service announcement: if you were sad that you were losing pets from marksman Hunter, there is a spec literally dedicated to having Pets! (the spec is actually based)
I played lone wolf while playing MM. This is just a super good change. I play my Pets while playing BM or SV. I see no harm in this change.
I love MM fantasy without the pet. WoW needed JUST an archer. Tagteaming folk as survival and ordering animals around in BM have plenty of flavor
Bro complains about everything. Tuning and not having bloodlust aside, I was happy with MM in DF, not sure what yall complained about.
not all hunters have pets. i say full send
Retail has been going downhill for a while, the communities in classic have taken most veteran players.
There’s two other specs that can use pets. I’m down with being a sniper.
Too early to tell, but the current PTR diminishes the value of Trueshot in 2 ways and magnifies all the Aimed Shot enhancers in priority. First, Precise Shot consumption takes priority even in time-limited Trueshot buff window where it only buffs Rapid Fire and Aimed Shot. That fills a GCD during Trueshot. Second, they changed Withering Fire to NOT automatically shoot Black Arrow during Trueshot which is another GCD gone during Trueshot and not using the exclusive benefactors of Trueshot which are AS and RF. We will see.
i've played mm casually, outta all the hunter specs is the one i find more interisting and i hated having a pet. you're supposed to be a shoter or a bontyhunter, no place for a pet imo
there are 2 kinds of reactions to this change:
-those who understand the fantasy of this spec and are 100% in favor of the loss of the pet
-those who stopped playing WoW years ago anyway and now just cry on Twatter no matter what Bliz does
I can easily see an argument for the eagle to have some level of customization in its visuals, but MM has always been intended to be a petless class
if you were playing MM with a pet, you were playing it wrong. it really is that damn simple. cry more
The visual aspect of pets is just as important as the gameplay aspect here
Yeah i know people are all “we’ve been running lone wolf for however long so what does it matter”
Well remember that WoW was built around having rpg elements ontop of being an mmo. The type of aspects that i would surmise a larger majority of casual players enjoy.
Like it or not, WoW is a dress up game where people will run decade old raids for pretty looking gear pieces to match their outfits. People like looking cool and mixing and matching visual elements like hunter pets in this case. The pet has been a major part of the fantasy of hunters since WoW’s inception and now it’s being removed for an entire third of the class and being replaced with one out of hundreds upon hundreds of options hunters have had access to for 20 years now.
There’s a clear lack of consideration for the crowd of players who just aren’t so viciously invested with the balancing of the game and might not agree with losing a core part of that fantasy. Yeah you could tell them “oh just switch to bm or surv“ but i feel like that’s missing the point.
I’m reminded of the nonsense that happened with Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. Fans asked why the X-men, marvel characters who were almost synonymous with the identity of mvc were being glossed over from the roster and capcom’s big response was that “they’re just functions. Just play another character that can do magneto’s 5 air dashes or whatever he does”. A majority of people who play the game don’t pick magneto for a function that he does, they pick magneto because he’s magneto, the iconic x-men villain that people love to be. Needless to say, people were rightfully pissed. Excuse the analogy of another type of game entirely but the point is people shouldn’t have to be forced to pick another hunter spec they may not like just to have a fantasy of being a marksman while having your pet companion.
Blizz could’ve found a middle ground i feel. Something that still gave mm hunters the freedom to at least customize the “eagle” visual to a pet of their choosing, at least if we’re talking the nuclear route of removing the pet entirely and yet they didn’t. I’m positive something could be done here. Blizz isn’t a small indie company.
It just can’t be denied that under all the net benefits of the rework, the people who want to play hunters for the joy of having a cool pet companion and maybe were more attached to the mm spec lost something when they really shouldn’t have.
That’s the argument that i feel shouldn’t be forgotten in this whole debate.
Finally no pet on MM, and we can BL <3 now we can finally be equal with the other 2 hunter specs <3
100% for dropping the pet for MM, play one of the other 2 specs that have them. Even SV could lose the pet and I'd just go, meh sure. BM should always require atleast one pet minimum, with the option to run multiple.
Oh how I miss my demo lock meta. Was my favorite raiding spec, so satisfying throwin soul fires
I havent played hunter since classic… Been on a healer run since BC. Im so interested in Survival and MM now!