Thanks everyone for making this year one of the best for us, we couldn’t have done it without you guys! I know we’re still around 18,000 subscribers away but we couldn’t wait to release this video for you guys (especially with the new Summoners Rift)!
Biggest thanks to Monstercat Media for allowing us to use their music songs listed below:
Title: Tristam & Braken – Frame of Mind
Video Link:
Beatport Download Link:
Label Channel:
Title: Tristam – Once Again
Label Channel:
Title: Tristam & Braken – Flight
Video Link:
Beatport Download Link:
Label Channel:
Title: TwoThirds – Breathe
Video Link:
Label Channel:
Special thanks to our incredible sponsors:
almost 10 years later and this montage is still on of my favorites
롤의 가장 전성기이자 가장 충격적이었던 매드무비
아직도 보러옵니다 용 앞 한타랑 오리아나 3인 포킹은 진짜 브금이랑 찰떡입니다
Still this recap is the best video to me
10년이 지나도 이 영상이 나한텐 최고 레전드일듯
오랜만에 또 보러왔다 !
I come back to see this great vid over and over
and somehow it makes me emotional.. especially when I see the edit at 1:55
지금까지 롤해오면서 봐온 영상 중 단연 최고의 매드무비. 지금도 옛 롤을 떠올리며 보러옵니다.
Anyone else come back in late 2021 because this video is the best league clips?
이건 언제봐도 질리지가 않네 이만한 매드무비를 여태까지 못봐서 그런가
I really miss this type of analysis from Potatomonster
2021? Anyone?
롤은 저때가 재밌었음
다시봐도 띵작이네
2021 gang.. fuck, these songs take me back.
i shed a tear in memories of the game i used to love sooo much once upon a time in my life, life now in 2020 is hard..😢
Still coming back to this video after 5 years ahaha, great video
I miss the old league 😭
2020!!! so many changes but still this video is the best
이런 옛날 라이엇 감성 그립다… 요즘 너무 세련되졌어 … 갱플랭크 아칼리 이런거 쉽고 단순한맛에 했는데 ….
옛날에 롤백에서 봤던 걸 아직도 못 잊는다
이 영상은 정말 몇달에 길어도 일년에 한번씩은 보러오는 편집의 끝판왕
2018 11 16
2018년에도 나는 이 영상을 최고의 매드무비라고 생각한다.
Even in 2018, I think this video is the best madmovie.
그런데 이런 종류의 편집영상이 이게 마지막이라는게 아쉽다.
But it is very sad that this type of editing video is the last.
the first clip is still the best wombo combo I have ever seen
2017 and still one of the best edits I've seen of league 😮
Hope to watch recap again. Plz 😉
플레이 노래 편집 모든게 완벽한 영상이에요 오래된 영상이지만 처음봤을때 그 충격을 잊을 수 없어서 가끔 생각날 때마다 반복해서 봐요 너무 멋있엉 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
i need name song pls can you help my ?
브금 어떤건가요!?
what makes those plays even better is the phenomenal editing, Incredible video!
Meilleur éditing que j'ai vu seriously
name of the song please?
wow very nc job
glad you got to one million dude here's to another million
7:22 Unbelievable
nice editing
Damn this editing skill!