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Why 11.1 Sets The Tone of WoW’s New Direction and Delve Suggestions – Warcraft Weekly

It’s not our usual overview of this week’s highlights, Plunderstorm and the 11.1 PTR are setting the tone of WoW’s new direction in trying to make strong standalone features that don’t try as hard to get players to participate in everything – even if many of us will anyway!

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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
0:33 Plunderstorm state of rewards
5:58 New Keystone Legend mount
7:03 New raid Renown track and suggestions
10:47 State of Delves and Gilded crest suggestions
15:08 WoW’s current direction and jumping “between lanes”

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  1. If Blizz is going to give out nearly the best items in the game from easy single player content, they’re going to need to find some other types of rewards to get people to continue playing their multiplayer game.

  2. Nope,still not going back.
    Get rid of the wokeness virus and let me create a MALE character,i refuse to play a game that labels me as a type.
    Don't force Dragonriding,i hate it.

    But yeah better yet don't bother,won't be coming back.

  3. Soul, gotta hard disagree with your thought about exclusive model pvp rewards (they get capes, tabards and mounts already anyway).
    There was one season, as far as I'm aware, Draenor season 1, where unique appearances were given to elite 3v3 arena players. Almost NO players actually earned them, let alone on more than one class.
    To this day i have only ever seen one player using one of them- the warrior helm.
    It was a total waste of artist's work, making these awesome assets time-limited, difficult to access and rare. Those few who earned them don't gain anything by preventing others from getting cool stuff today (or even recolors that use those cool models), the idea of it being "exclusive" is a lie used to drive subscriptions during content droughts and is anti-fun design.
    just let people keep earning cool cosmetic things in the game they monthly subscribe for.

  4. I think Bliz needs to allow us to continue to grind out tender even after we finish our log

    It doesn’t need to be a lot
    But at this point I feel like once my log is filled I have no reason to keep playing

  5. I do very little raids, dungeons or delves. I do make a point to run them all at least once. I don’t want the catch the fever or the endless gear grind. I love that he game affords entertainment for such a wide variety of tastes.

  6. I hate pvp. I hated Plunderstorm the first time out. But this version is actually fun to play evasions and it’s rewarding. I got the mounts, pets, and transmog sets.

  7. They paid all content creators to try to get people back for 11.1. It’s going to be boring and no one will be playing it 4 weeks after launch. Can we cancel the trilogy and get wow 2?

  8. my only issue with the Gilded Crest limit from Delves is there is no catchup for those characters late in the season, i would love for it to start at 18 Gilded from Delves and stack another 18 each weekly reset, meaning those late to the party can still farm their Mythic Crafts without resorting to camp in Dornagal as they wait to get in a group. which i'll add will be significantly more tedious as the weeks go by. if not then Alts are gonna be left with Runed Crafts at best.

  9. lol…. nobody list their achievement in Plunderstorm on social media, because no one wants to make them selves looks like a loser in life. who gives a F… about plunderstorm.

  10. Blizzard, has never and will never care about the playerbase, only the 0.1% and thus their bottom line that comes from their buying wowtokens for quick jumps in progression among their elitist and niche guilds. If you need more proof then look at how the US get more event rewards than EU players, brewfest for example.

  11. I would ask you to consider a fourth category of play especially since Dragonflight… professions. Professions were highjacked by full time players, or players who can afford to play more than 10 hours a week. Since gold is necessary for ALL four categories, I would suggest that professions be treated similarly to PVP/Solo/group play in that with your 3 categories, there are levels of commitment and skill that are recognized and rewarded… for example there are levels in delves and M+, gladiator/rated levels for PVP, LFR/normal/heroic/mythic for raids, but for professions… it’s currently completely bent to primarily reward, almost exclusively, players who play professions for hours on end each day… the time sink is horrendous… by bifurcating the system, in the minimum, to address at least two populations: those who play in the first three categories and can only RESPONSIBLY allocate 2-3 hours to professions to support their total of 10 hours per week (to balance life against school, dating, work, marriage, college, family, kids, professional development, elder care, etc) and those that can devout the hundreds of hours per week to gather, craft, cross craft from other professions, then to craft the items then bark in trade chat hoping against all hope thar the buyer or seller are actually playing the game AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME.. the profession system needs to return to where the VAST majority of gold making game play SUPPORTS the 10 hour per week MAJORITY of the player base whilst allowing an extremely little play for those ‘mythic’ gold players… this will VASTLY reduce the WoW token sales (pay to play) but allow young, underfunded players, again, to join the game and vastly increase the player base!p, sustaining the demographics of the game.

  12. I wasn’t a big fan.

    Ran into a really awesome person though. Hid in a bush and ended up #2 somehow. I was resigned to accept my death with grace.

    Dude asked if had the achievement for winning yet, I’m fairly terrible Iin games like this so obviously didn’t. He turned and ran right into the storm so I could get it.

    That experience helped me slog on through the rest of the rep grind.

    So yeah. It’s back now. If I ever manage to somehow end up in second again that achievement is yours. I’m paying it forward 😁

  13. The new m+ KSL achievement and mount is a good addition to the game. My two suggestions for players to achieve this feat (remember suggestions!). Run m+ the first reset in 11.1 and avoid missing any weeks. Run keys as often as possible with guild mates and pugs while the new season is fresh. There's a difference in players at the start of new season vs late season with selection of good players compared to late comers and player skill.

  14. Honor level exp makes sense. It's a pvp mode, and the honor level track doesn't give any power rewards. As for the M+ mounts (and the Glad mount/elite appearance), these are time locked, the Mythic Raid mount is not. By this logic they should completely remove the Mythic raid mount at the end of the patch. Right now, highest end raiders have their reward cheapened by still being available following the patch. Yes, you do get a CE title, but that's not a mount. If they added a mount to the CE achievement, this would even things up between the three pillars of end game.

  15. I've played a bit of plunderstorm and only for the pets right now and maybe the mounts. Playing plunder storm is not really fun, the keybinding are off, running about isn't that interesting considering it's a zone we have been too many many many x10 times before. To me there is a sense of pointlessness behind plunderstorm game play. You begin at lvl zero, get some random spell, and try to be the last one standing. You really have to like PVP if you want to do plunderstorm, for those like me who aren't big on pvp it just seems like a chore They could have added the plunder currency as part of regular pvp, with honor you can convert it to plunder coins and buy the item. I've played enough for the pets and the extra trading post tokens, which I discovered you can only earn once. If it was a repeatable purchase, it might make the drudgery feel less annoying.. I have had issues wanting to run it.. That also could be wow boredom, 19 yrs playing.. As I have gotten older, it takes less time before I get bored and feel like I am in a rut again, left with that feeling it's time to unsub for a few months.

  16. The thing I don't get about Plunderstorm, is why do people keep playing it after getting all the rewards? Either you don't like it and you leave when you have what you want, or you do like it and well… actual, major, quality battle royales exist that you could be playing instead, lol. Idk. Maybe Plunderstorm brings something unique to the genre, or maybe it's just the fact that it has the wow flavor to it, but from my pov it's a little head-scratchy.

  17. …so I actually hate that I only have to play Plunderstorm for a couple games to get everything new. I hate that new players can obtain things easily that I obtained the hard way. And I hate that there's nothing difficult to obtain for the sake of prestige. (And let's conveniently ignore this is the third recolor of a few of these rewards.) There's no incentive for me to keep playing and I only played for a single day. That's EXTREMELY BAD. Here I thought Plunderstorm was going to be a distraction I was going to struggle with, but nope. I'll just go pour my time into making a WSG twink in Classic. It'll feel more rewarding.

    I'm sad because the QoL changes they've made have otherwise been great. It feels really great to play, mechanically. It's really sad to know it'll be dead because there's nothing for the try hards to continue playing for. No permanent mark of how awesome the experience was. Instead, everyone just gets a participation award. Worse, they can just buy what you worked so hard to obtain last time and for very little effort. Feels awful.

  18. I had wanted 30ish gilded a week possible from delves. 28 is fine. How we get them is not ideal. I had hoped that completing a bountiful on 11 would give 4, 10 would give 2 or 3, and a 9 would give 1 or 2. However, with the increased runed crests given out and eventually being able to upgrade those to gilded should make it work out okay i think. A carltch mechanic would be welcome, but not all that necessary to me. I have a bunch of 80s and 2 at 619 or above on only delves and the ring, and i dont feel the need to have lots of toons getting gilded crest gear/upgrades.

  19. So first and foremost delves aren't meant for me, I understand that as some one who is 2600 I.O. and loves mythic plus. Right now with the weekly cap being even worse for GC for delves is just painful. If they really want this game mode to be a new end game pillar there are things that need to be done to not make it the black sheep of PVE.

    1. They need to put their money were their mouth is and give it an AOTC style achievement similar to KSM and AOTC for raiders. Make tune the difficulty up for adding a reward.

    2. The gearing issue can easily be fixed, rather than trying to combine standard PVE gear they really should make delve its own set of gear! VERY similar to PVP gear. This way delve players get rewarded for doing delves and can feel stronger in delves while not feeling so bad at doing some minor group content like low level keys or normal raid lvl.

  20. Re:Raid Renown, unlocking the raid buff or dinar/bullion earlier could affect the RWF, which they probably don't want.
    I could see them increasing the weekly cap of 1 renown per week to 2 per week once HoF is full. Probably together with an increase in rep per boss/miniboss.

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