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Best Old Raids To Farm For Gold In The War Within 11..0.7, Gold Making Guide
My patreon – where you can find a ton of exploits too hot for youtube, including many gold-making tricks. – my twitter where I post hints about secret stuff.

This video is about some amazing exploit and creative game mechanics you can use to make from old raids in wow. This is the fastest way to make raw gold in the game currently.

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  1. An additional tip for Uldir; about 10s after the elevator starts falling, you can run off the edge and on any class that can ignore fall damage you can get moving way before the elevator would've landed 😀
    Nice vid archvaldor learned new tech from this one

  2. Ah yes, the teleport classes. My mains are monk/then druid for TWW. Have tons of DKs on the accounts, I remember back in BFA being on my troll hunter doing a Mythic Taloc hunter carry funnel, I believe it gave a helm/tier piece for the hunter set for that raid to complete it. It's up there with the coral/urchin/achievements for brutosaur and raw gold farming I did in BFA, UBRS was my jam. It's great that these places are solo farms now.

  3. Not the content I needed, but definitely the content I wanted to see! However, I will contradict you on Uldum's accessibility: only upon (considerable) progression (not completion) of the Cataclysm storylines in those 5 zones, the portals to Uldum, Deepholm, Twilight Highlands, Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir open up in capital cities. For Horde, they can be found on the plateau close to targeting dummies where Deathwing's jaw is displayed. For Alliance… bah just play Horde 😉

  4. I've noticed that I could sometimes pick pocket gold from one of the mobs at the start of NP. It's only 3-9g, but it's odd because usually pick pocket would give some silver.

  5. Hey Im pretty sure I figured out one of your subtle hints for once! 😂 Sad the death knight ability is GATED behind the patreon pay wall. At least I think Im right 😁. Love the videos Archvaldor!

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