Classic Hardcore Moments 121
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Featured Players in This Video:
1. Hawkem
5. Complexado
8. Swuttnf
9. Vudutusk
12. Mangomosh
13. Sparkod
18. ski
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Music by EpidemicSound
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#WorldOfWarcraft #ClassicHC #ClassicHardcore
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priest rolling need on plate armor so wrong
First clip is why hardcore is so insane. This player base is so dumb, I’m not getting to 60 & then one of these idiots killing me because you aren’t paying attention
First clip, theres something going on with Baron rivendare and warlock pets. this exact same thing happened to me with my imp playing on skull rock last year. Imp was NOT on aggresive, but for some reason the moment we entered the room he starts casting on Baron… this clip is the only other time ive seen it happen, warlock pets just hate this guy.
7:30 that is so fking annoying as a tank player to watch. honestly i would just instantly give up on that group and let them die. don't AOE taunt for their mistakes…..
15:40 I didnt look at his xp bar so for a second I thought he was a god gamer who was gonna turn in a quest to level mid fight.
13:15 wtf am I watching. How did she even make it to lvl 22?
gotta have a petri lmao
9:35 this tune sounded like it belonged in day of the tentacle
10:44 that's why we have to love classic, the good old times. The 'features' aka called weird but funny things what happens there sometime with npcs. x)
Esfands paladin brain smacking the mic lmao
11:45 bro… dont be that guy.
Dislike for showing rogue pvp noob kill.
11:39 what a douchebag
dislike cuz of that ret*** rogue killing newbies low lvls
4:44 what addon says that?
"I'm level 59, and self found…" but.. you're in a group, that's now how this works. xD
last clip warrior brain lol
Lmaoooo every time a new death clip of mine comes out I feel like people are angrier about how my boyfriend talks to me than me actually dying and it makes me laugh so hard. I promise he’s an amazing man, who I love very very much- we just get stressed when I’m dying 😂😂 honestly though, I look forward to the edits this channel makes on my clip, it’s the only thing that makes me feel better about it.
video editor played too much n64 an runescape
I will never feel bad for clickers dying. Wdym you're CLICKING your most important spells..?
lol that whiney rogue voice, not prepared and screeching at other people that are
Definition of no life and no pull
why couldn’t the first guy vanish?
8:50 Parla the 🐐
16:00 yeah shield block while turning back to the mob XD idiot
Parla o7
I don't think dino's can swim???
Just goes to show how god dam stupid people are and they should stick to normal servers.
6:45 this is a jump down and hearth angle. just felt like dying ig
11:47 What a sad griefer. I bet in his free time, he moves Tauren corpses at songflower spawn location in Felwood
i love how they bind all that shit but in the end they are all just a dumb mouseclickers. Esfand is clicking a pot, the mage at DM is clicking the ICEBLOCK…. Oh my god man, all those roaches …. Compare all of them with Parla's clip. He knows exactly what is going to happen, he doesnt panic, save the shaman and pressing his buttons 0 mouseclicks. Why? Because hes actually a good player, world first with Apes, multiple rank14…. The rest? Roaches.
Hordes crying about getting killed cause they dont know how to play, music to my ears
Ashenvale guard one at @1:25 All he needed to do was TURN OF ASPECT OF CHEETAH, wait for the 3 second daze to wear off and then pop a Swiftness potion to have extra 50% run speed for 10 seconds and he would have gotten enough distance away to be safe.
The first clip wasn't a grief… the guy had his void on defensive, when yall walked in to the boss room, you take damage and it triggered the voidwalker… obviously should of had him on passive… but don't think its a grief.
classic players are truly despicable creatures
The banjo – Kazooie music <3
If esfand sees this, it's ohgriddens and i just wanna say, I didn't heal you 🙁
Were starting to see the downside of petri where people will do it in perfectly salvageable situations killing the rest of the group.
So many people pronounce hearthstone like "hurthstone" or something?
Ahahhha. Crazyyyy Assassin, nice))))
oh baby baby Oooioouuoo no