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#classicwow #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft
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#classicwow #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
I worked for Blizzard Entertainment for 7 years (um ever heard of it?) and my dad works there too and he can back trace your hate accounts and get you perma banned from the internets cuz I’m also a tier 1 hacker and game dev and I will not stand for this!!!!!
lol Pshero=PirateSoftwareHero
"I dont run until the tank is dead"
ok and?
Does that mean when some indecisive and incompetent shot caller says for the party to run that he shouldn't run when everyone else is running?
Please don't let him use f word with the Lord's name
He lies more than my ex wife 😂
Which retard thought Loot spawned on drop, this is literally the most common knowledge of wow because yeah a dev confirmed it in 2008, bro is 17 years behind.
we need both xaryu's and ziqo's in teh world. we need both!
Why is he using a voice changer though, he pretends he went through a second puberty lmao
Loot was always generated on mob spawn or upon first loading the instance. Using tools like AtlasLoot you could spam reset a dungeon/raid on weekly reset until the item you were after showed up in AtlasLoot and you would be sure to get it whenever you clear that instance on that lockout. This was changed at some point to prevent this, it no longer works like this in retail, at least not in dungeons or raids. Regarding classic, since it's not "true classic" but more retail with classic layered on top, I don't know for sure but I imagine it works like back in the day; Loot generates on spawn.
xaryuu was heavy glazing pirate trying to make excuses for him , not a drama guy my ass, he just wants to leech
Yall need to unsubscribe from pirate.
Idk whats more concerning, the dude willing to stream himself pooping for money or that there is someone down so bad that they will pay someone to stream themselves pooping
this guy has to be the one of the funniest dudes on the internet rn. i am so glad we will be getting more clips of this dudes streams in the future, u alr know ppl like him and elon r endless content.
Bro doesn't know about the "slightly colder weather panic attack update" that cats get
man fuck i got spoiled now fuckkkk
Medrathis completely trolled himself there
It feels so good to be right. I been saying this guy was full of shit ever since his smug fkin face and fake voice started polluting my youtube feed a year ago. The maldavius stuff just makes it funnier.
The drop stuff everyone has known about forever, since TBC at least when people used to scout for Warglavies.
"He didnt take the time to come and talk to me"
Yea you gave up that privilige when you left the discord call when it was being talked about. This clown.
Jokers kittys are so cute
All this drama over a phone game?
He makes Walter White look good when it comes to being a sociopath.
Amon's gang is why internet and streaming sucks ass