League of Legends if one of the games of all time…
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0:00 Intro
1:03 First time playing a champ in ranked
2:43 Banning your teams per-selected champ
4:32 Rage quitting / AFK
5:46 Arguing in chat rather than playing the game
7:15 Blaming your team for your bad performance
8:23 Fighting Outnumbered or for no reason
9:12 Refusing to play with the team
10:20 Scripting, Boosting & Hacking
14:34 Outro
I’m hating the chest change bs I haven’t been able to unlock a new character for a full week and a half now
Good points. Also, sometimes people play premade with a friend, so you banning syndra jungle might actually be you banning your midlaner's pick. And dont sweat in draft or swiftpaly, people are learning champs, developing strats or builds, so be chill. No need to get banned because you ragequit 5 times in a sigle day.
Underrated video. Good job man
First :3