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The WoW Botting Situation is Actually Insane…

Today we take a look at the world of warcraft botting and gold selling situation. Mainly looking at how fresh anniversary and hardcore realms are being exploited by a mafia of bots.

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🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
We Don’t Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) by Tina Turner, License ID: GoqGgo38qjW
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License ID: 0631783185fa4c10ab63bedf73038f52

Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats

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  1. I made a sport of kite killing bots on hardcore, until one day i got banned out of the blue, but just for clarity i found clusters of fishing bots in multiple different 'off the beaten track' areas of the game, one such cluster had over 40 bots all stood ontop of eachother fishing, i estimate that i descovered somewhere around 300 fishing bots on Soulseeker sever.

  2. Much love to you and your style MetaGoblin. Keep going and enjoying life like you appear to be. I play WoW almost everyday, and I was able to find a nice lady to date online!

  3. This seems a bit ridiculous and hypocritical to me, you're making a video about bots and then you yourself are promoting buying golds, where do you think the golds comes from? And yes, buying gold is against the rules of the game and don't think you can't get banned for it

  4. Really what is the point in me farming gold for my character when I could buy gold for a FRACTION of the time invested into my own farming… Actually what's the point even playing wow with all the bots in there. May as well play a single player game

  5. Ive been playing the pvp server on twow for a few months, and I have not seen (or at least recognized) one single bot. Its rather low pop and the managers seem to be pretty hardcore about responding to RMT so it is probably just not profitable there. That said, if bots are an issue in any portion of retail, there are alternatives where bot won't be an issue. Food for thought.

  6. Blizzard could probably fix the bots problem but they are happy enough with your 15$ a month. Why waste money if peoples keep playing no matter what. If your not happy with the state of the game, vote with your wallet, quit playing. I'm sure Blizzard will be more incline to do something if the game population drop massively.

  7. I bot as a side hustle in FFXIV atm with 10 accounts doing rmt, I've botted WoW for 10 years but stopped cause I don't play WoW anymore. Blizzard and SQenix could get rid of 99% of bots in a day if they wanted to, or at the very least make them close to unprofitable to even run, but they have no incentive to do so, players complain so they ban in waves as a PR move but these companies exist to take profit and bots are paying customers, Blizzard also takes a cut with wow tokens

  8. Vendors selling all endgame unique items (e.g. Black Lotus) for the high price which Blizz can control. They’ll put a cap for the spiraling out of control AH prices fueled by bots.

  9. Modern blizzard is very accepting. Body type 1, body type 2, real person, not real person, not a person, not a human, doesn't matter to them. Just don't say anything mean. As long as you give them money every month, good enough.

  10. The simplest solution is to make gold unable to be traded or mailed to a character that isn't on your account. The only way gold changes hands is through the auction house for loot and other previously traded items. For services they could simply allow characters to make portal tokens for wizards to sell that have a 2 or 3 hr cool down once used so you can't buy a ton at once and zip all over the place constantly and do something g similar for other services. Why can't rogues create lock picking kits that level thwir lock picking and allow other players to unlock their shit? Yeah its less social doing g all transactions through the auction house but the social aspect we want isn't buying good and services, it's in tackling content. There are solutions to the problems that would arise with making gold un-tradeable. If gold sellers can't mail or trade you gold, they cease to exist.

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