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Where will the story go after the World Soul Saga? [Warcraft Lore]

Dealt with a sickness that was kicking my ass this week, but didn’t want to leave you hanging so with a bit of a different voice then normal, I ask the question: Where will the story go after the worldsoul saga? And I don’t have a clear answer either, maybe you do? Let me know!

Want More Lore?!
Illidan novel:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
The Story of Sylvanas Windrunner:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Helloeveryone

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  1. Trying to pull all the remaining "fish outta the ocean", eh Nobbel?! Save some ladies for the rest of us nerds, bro! I'm kidding get well soon, and good video!

  2. I usually can’t listen to your videos because your inflection goes from high to low so many times per sentence is like an intense roller coaster. This video though was so nice to get the info without the extreme differences in your voice.

  3. In Karazan there are all celestial Bodies we know of and we know that Azeroth is behind a Vale (in a prison) as we seen and learned in shadowlands (was predicted before tho).
    There is your roadmap for the next 30 years.

  4. The Azeroth holds the reality as a "dreaming god-head", that's why universal forces try to take hold of it or "if it can't be mine" – destroy it as Sargeras did.

    The reason these forces exist is because it's a nightmare of the god-head (Azeroth) and they are out there to get her.

  5. I still believe that the shadowland can be salvageable . If they wold say that the shadowland are a titan construct. The titan are all about ordering thing .they order countless world.they order life making the emerald dream .they order chaos making the nether . And they could have order the realm of death making the shadowlands and the first one are nothing but a facade

  6. Maybe we can return to the d&d, simple, adventurer style of storytelling? There is nothing more uninteresting than being a CosmicSuperSoldierGodBeingInvincibleChampionOfLightAndDark and you're fighting the destroyer of universes bosses boss who is now actually manipulated by an even more grand and evil epic incomprehensible bad x24. Keep the grand stuff in the background and keep it grounded, imo.

  7. I think I’m gonna remind you that very few regular people went into the Shadowlands. The bulk of it was literally us adventurers.
    And we have no reason to speak of what happened in the Shadowlands.
    And that would be easily fixed with our exile from the hoard and the alliance. Consequently, removing us from the factions could potentially allow Warcraft four to happen. Because for it to happen, the players of wow need to be missing.

  8. I kinda get the feeling we're gonna see a Realm Reborn type thing. I think the Legion is dead, I think the Old gods are dead. I think we're gonna beat back the void, get rid of the titans and bring balance to the universe with Azeroth as a new center. All forces, death, life, order, disorder, void and light in harmony within her.

    From a non lore point of view, WoW is old and its a mess for new players. To try and get a new player into the lore they have to wade through 30+ years of stories. Tens of thousands of quests, multiple games, books, comics and short stories. Canon and non canon things. An ending to WoW and a rebirth into a new, but similar world would make the most sense to me.

  9. I loved the design of the Nerubians before they bitched them down to 'pretty and fappable' which was like ugh, just have cool monsters be monsters stop catering to the wank brigade ALL the time. WoW has died of the Fax Machine Paradox. The more features (crowbared in backstory) it has, the more unusable (illegible/ridiculous) the thing is.

  10. Ok here goes: Ive been following the Warcraft world and lore for 30 years since Warcraft 1. The most fun Ive ever had in a video game is WoW from Vanilla till about mid Wotlk. Having played thru Wacraft 1+2+3 I used to think this universe can become a Lotr-like phenomenon and even surpass it and become the premier fantasy setting of our times. But as the stories and characters and the worldbuilding and ALL the lore started to evolve out of the necessity of providing WoW players with expansions and raid bosses, it all became..well.. kinda shit. Yeap Ive said it, it had an amazing start and then it became shit and I wish WoW the game never happened. I still wonder how it would all be if instead of WoW, everything would have continued evolving with a Warcraft IV, or maybe some single player RPGs and books. I havent stopped following Warcraft lore but for the last 20 years its mostly just to see how ridiculous it can become just when I thought it has reached peak ridicule.

  11. I hope they do more with the Nathrezim and Denathrius after the World Soul Saga. I truly believe that the Nathrezim are a far greater threat than the Void as they have agents in every cosmological force. They aren't just agents of Death or the Legion they are something greater I believe, so it would be cool to see them return in the future.

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