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Hi! This is the first part of my challenge going from 0 gold to 1 million gold in World of Warcraft The War Within farming only. I start with zero gold and the goal is to hit 1 million with only farming. I make gold with herbalism, mining, cloth farming and other farms. I want to try out as many farms as I can in this challenge.
– WeakAura –
#thewarwithin #wowgoldfarm #worldofwarcraft
Discord Community – ❤ (subsribe to plz road to 4k :D)
Keep some of the cards and do a deck of each one at least, they sell for stupid prices on some realms so a lot more bang for your time.
Just farming? well for me it does not work because "farmed" goods for me are always 0 since the gold is made from crafting for profit
How do you know what server to sell it on. Or just the one your on
I had the best day ever farming cloth and inscription I made 50k selling bags and sold 2 weps that dropped
With herbalism and mining it depends on your route and luck on where the nodes spawn.
If all of the nodes are guarded by mobs then it can slow your speed down a lot.
If your route is super busy you get a lot of disappearing nodes.
There are many other variables…one day I even went out and found almost no nodes on my route.
So yeah, it is variable 🤣
What is Dark moon cleft?
Brother herbalism is at vest 10k an hour on my realm. Fishing over herbs and mining
Fully speced druid herb/miner, did one hour of farming two days ago. Only flew around in Isle of Dorn and made about 21k.
He did more gold in one video that I’ve made since the tww starts🙈
i was farming darkflame cleft on only hunter and will add another toon for it so i can do it on 2 character and i was doing dual gathering here and there i am sitting on 100k ish gold trying to get to the point that i can get in crafting , you have great videos keep it up mate <3
I think you should actually stick to farming on one character all the way to 1mil doing it one way, ie Cloth/Darkmoon and then do it using just one of the gathering skills as well on a separate video and challenge.
Maybe even do 1 mill doing just cooking/fishing too?
Very cool! See you in the next one:D
I never do farming so I’m very interested to see what you come up with!!
Good Video as always Elon! See ya in Stream (Balemski)
Great to show us different way to make gold