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#challenger #leagueoflegends #azzapp
Hollow knight ambience sound! 10/10
tank meta guys for sure
i really struggle with mana when running this build – my impact feels so ephemeral without manaflow band or presence of mind
The best build for mel, will be the best build for all mages.
The stick of pensplosions, into the other pencrit item and boots.
The extra ults are nice for EVEN games.
In EVEN games its nice to have a bit of zone aoe.
there is just no way malignance is good on this champ. He didnt show it but it did like 100 damage this whole game just go ludens it would have done 3000 at least
no mana runes?
in swift play you always see combination of absolute noobs and experience league players, its odd, as much as the smurfs enjoy stomping noobs it needs to be changed otherwise these ppl will just leave league
doesnt that ekko behavior feel like a bot? the way he walks fowards and only walks back when immediate danger is there feels a lot like bot behavior, is there bots now on pbe?
Electrocute, cheap shot, deep ward, Ult hunter, presence of mind, cut down, Blackfire, Shadowflame
Enjoy 😉
i'd think the passive affecting minions makes her busted, the idea that you don't have to worry about last hit and only hitting aproximatedly to thier health and that execute them makes being farming ahead of enemies far too much, no matter hectic the battle chances are you'll be ahead in farm in low elo
lets gooo i am diamond velkoz main but when that shitt come live i perma ban it my team dont even play it only if we have fp…..
The hollow knight white palace music in the background, damn chefs kiss
Azzapp: Crying/complaining about yasuo windwall CD 15s like this is bull….
Azzapp: Also playing new champion Mel with W CD 13s and he is absolute OK with this 🙂
How ironic bro….isnt it? Its called my friend hypocrisy, welcome.
How would a tank build work out here?
i mean. if you play her as a support. you can maybe if i dont se this wrong.
get the higher sustain thanks to her W ( deflect )
and if you build tank. you can be up in enemie face and reflect and stun for ur carrie.
and ur ult can secure kills as u said when they flash away thinking they are safe.
am i dumb or can a tank build rly work as support Mel?
honestly? Just replace the execute with a kog'maw-like scaling.
Enemies under X% of health? double her ap scaling on these targets.
I know he aint call the q a yoyo lmfao
naah you have to take cosmic drive instead of horizon and shes easy to build you dont even have to look at build sites or stuff like that
Is mel Q like Ahri W? they seem to auto target
meh, there should be more variety for items
She's designed to do sustained dps fights for the execute. For this reason, Damage amp is the answer.
Shadowflame, Riftmaker, Liandry's Torment, Abyssal Mask, Spear of Shojin, Horizon Focus. Any order.
Casually do 80% increased damage, which is just better than any buyable magic pen option, as it also boosts true damage.
Reflecting Amumu's Q can sometimes mess you up… yeah he gets stunned instead of you but you are giving him a blitz hook xD
Wouldn't Coup de Grace push up her passive execute threshold as well as ult threshold alongside axiom arc + shadowlame? (Because you really wanna use ult as the execution tool?) Also you have higher chance to steal objectives imo
This might sound crazy but I think shurelyas and shadowflame might be crazy on her. While its not a mana item, it does have the 125% mana regen which feels great on champs that can also be mana hungry like aurora. A super fast spike that gives you and your team great utility, while Malignance seems like a small anti-synergy as mentioned by a commenter above.
Bro stole your pentaaaaa….sadness xD