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Mel Medarda from Arcane is finally made a playable champion! For today we’re gonna be looking at her abilities and gameplay to see if she’s the newest 200 years champion or well designed. One ability in particular will of course draw many people’s attention…
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#LeagueOfLegends #LoL #Mel #Arcane
~SPONSOR~ Check out Corepunk! The new up and coming MMORPG MOBA ARPG hybrid! You can download the launcher here: https://cw9m.short.gy/Vars
Ww's w has far longer cd for far less effect when he uses it
Mel’s Q make Kathus Q become a joke, such a terrible champion design idea, no balancing at all
I took a break from league, came back and played against a mel support. I main adc, and was playing Caitlin, where i headshot her, and it killed me. She literally didn't use anything but her reflect and i died from it plus her passive execute. This was after being harassed in lane with a q that has zero windup so comet and scorch land almost guaranteed. My new perma ban….or i just take another break from league….damnit riot
My only complaint is that her q is hard to see what her range is
Honestly if they make the shield directional in a 180 way, that could could even be good
Everyone saying Q is the most busted thing… it does 70 + 50% AP damage at rank 1, Lux E does 65 + 80% AP covers a wider area, same mana cost same cooldown triggers a stronger passive empowered auto from lux and can be held in place if it missed to continue to zone enemies for FIVE seconds. Not even close to being as annoying or unfair to play against considering if you move at all Mel's Q will very rarely hit even 50% of the bolts aimed at you. If it has any issue it is because of runes like scorch and comet doing full damage even if one mel Q tickled you, not the spell itself. Artillery mages have to have long-range semi reliable poke tools or they won't be any use at all, it is an annoying archetype to play against sure but Mel isn't the first and again comparing her to Lux, isn't even the most egregious. Lux's full combo does 250 more damage than Mel even if you factor in Mel executing you if you got below threshhold. I think she's really well designed and after the hotfixes pretty well balanced too, the only factor left is how W may warp pro play and that we will just have to wait and see
She ambessa and kasante are mistakes
200 years champ
its insane that you are punished for landing your own skillshots, it takes skill to land projectiles and mel just presses a button and your fucked. Playing ahri against her gave me brain damage
I think that people are doing to much noise around her W only.
Now that she have been release for few day, people start to understand than her W isn’t the biggest problem.
She is way too easy to play with an almost undodgeable Q. And have little room for being punished.
Mario’s side b and Zelda b taught me when to time my reflections
seeing her released and already hotfixed she is for sure a 200 years champ, its really not just one skill, her Q is free damage and CS, we know what her W does, her E having a snare so long at level 1 is huge as well
i hope more champions get reflection, just like Braum and Samira got windwall
Its good for a character to have an ability that is as impactful as Mel's W. It makes people work to bait it out, it makes the Mel work to use it correctly, it makes the depth of the game actually interesting. This ability is the perfect evolution of league as a game.
I'd say well designed. Her winrate isn't great, the shield is high enough cooldown to not be a complete menace, but frequent enough to be useful.
She can get a lot of kills, but only if people don't respect her. She's snowball heavy and a kill stealer.
14:27 Jarvis, pull up the 52% winrate on release statistics
we are missing somehting important here. her w would still be strong if it would have 90sec cd and be the ult. its would still be fucking powerfull. this ability alone makes certain champs competly useless. you want to play sera. forget it, if she has w you just cant use your strongest ability. you want to play renate, same problem, ash, jinx, varus, nami, morgana… the list goes on.
whoevery thought an reflection ability in a game like lol is a good idea, either takes crack or is one of those loosers, who push their ego in playing a shooter with aimbot to feel better then others
thx riot, you proofed ones again, you dont care, youre a bad company, your game deserves to finally die. its time to move on
good ol DEI
Vars. Longtime complaint, the background music is too loud and competes with your narration.
Low carry potential? I saw her 1v5
she is legit lame af kinda every spell i reflect does nothing
the bias in this video is massive. I have played many matches as and against Mel. Her W is not even close to the issue with her kit. Her passive and Q are FAR worse. Her W is fun to play around. Her E is a very fair ability. Her ult can is basically just a "win more" button, or a "no you don't run away button". But her Q and passive… the range of Q is too much, it's too instant, it stacks her passive way too fast, and her passive is such a threat that it fears enemies away from wave when below 50% instead of the usual 20% health, because of that long range Q. Her W is very strong, no doubt. But it's a lot more fair and balanced than you make it seem. Her Q however…
I just played her 3 times and went around 30/2 each time. She is busted. How this got through testing is beyond me.
"I don't expect Mel to be a very high win rate"
boring passive. both portions. boring q. just an aoe dot. boring e. just a line slow/snare. ultimate… whatever. mel should have been an enchanter. thats why in my eyes she will always be a failure of a champion. EVERYONE was not only expecting, but HYPED for her to be an enchanter… like how often does that actually happen?? being excited for probably the most hated role in the game. yet shes just another boring mage with a powercrept samira w. its like when they "updated" viktor and could have given him a whole new kit (or just made a new champ called viktor 2.0) and instead just make him op… lol
Funny you mentioned it because i did play Lux into Mel and got locked in place for an uncomfortable long time
And yet she's best placed in the botlane as an APC in the current meta.
To be fair it was obvious that medarda was going to be in
Remove her "W", its broken.
Edit: Also dont play Corepunk, its terrible.
6:51 No there is not, Kayle's ultimate has 0 setbacks. You only deal more damage and you're immortal for quite a while. Trynamere's ult is similiar, but you don't deal more damage, however you're free to hit anyone as much as you want with 0 risk.
I think her W is not terrible. However, I think that it should be positional. I do not think that it should be on herself, and I think that they should strip away the movement speed and the invulnerability entirely, and that the casting should function as Jayce E. It places a gate down that pushes the first enemy projectile that hits it back in the direction of the caster.
Sooooo flicker blades …. w/nashord in da bot lane
I feel like it is really telling how poor the design of new champions is because every time a new champion spotlight drops you can hear the collective sighs of millions of league players. This doesn't happen when most other communities get new champions. Imagine the exitement around new hero releases in old overwatch for example. basically, you can tell league design sucks cause almost no one is happy about new champs.
Mell should have been a dedicated shield support with her w being a light side take of morgs black shield. Givs armour, mr, and like, halfs the duration of any incoming cc. ANYTHING, other than what we got. I don't like it. The fact she cant shield anyone is insane. Congrats, you made the worst support, whos entire kit is like Renata but worse
Perma banned
Yes, the execute is mitigated by tanks, and I'm glad that they didn't make it a % max health squared true damage execute so that tanks get fucked even harder, but this is gonna be nightmarish for ADCs. They're gonna take one Q and get executed from 50% health because they've got all the squishiness of a mage and all the base damage of a tank.
The biggest problem with her W for me is how it is not just a simple reflection like you throw skill from one direction and it go back the same direction, the fact that it homing right into the owner is crazy
Having played as and vs her, it's not her W, it's her Q that is the problem, she can poke you from across the map, with almost no indication she's going to do it, on a very short cooldown. Yes you can dodge subsequent hits, but she doesn't need all hits to land. She will poke you down and ult you. If you try to CC her, she will reflect that at you, then CC you further. If you get out of place, she will CC you and wombo-combo you. Her CC goes thought everything, so it's even harder to dodge even if it's slow. She's slow, yes, so if you are mobile and can get close to her and auto her, then she will die, but mages are going to struggle against her, those who cannot get close too.
Yeah but she's hot tho
200 years
If they swapped Tahm's ult and W, they should do it with Mel as well