My patreon – where you can find a ton of exploits too hot for youtube, including many gold-making tricks. – my twitter where I post hints about secret stuff.
A fast way to level up in The War Within Warcraft expansion from 1-70 specifically.
It sucks that these tokens are character not account bound
Thank you for the video. What is the main storyline that I need to complete first. So far I don’t get any tokens and I think it’s because I haven’t completed whatever the story line is. Thank you.
Because of you I played wow like a champion
Because of you I kicked ass like an animal
….because of youuuu I've ..made mechagnome possible 🎩✔️godspeed Mr.Archvaldor
Lost me at pvp. Too many exploiters/cheaters in pvp content. I quit having anything to do with it.
War crate farming in hands down the fastest but requires a dedicated raid group up at the time. Full conquest gear in 1 or 2 days
Just gotta farm valorstones to upgrade them all……. 😂😂😂
I mean if you've been playing a while you should have enough warbound gear, siren isle, currency, and renown 619 crests you should be 610 like 10 minutes after hitting 80.
11, 80 Alts, every one got to 80 with 4k plus bloody tokens, If your alliance, don't forget the War chests in open world, For my horde alts unfortunately, there is usually a mass of ally for each, but the Epic BGS have a bonus on many of them for winning one ) that can get you the conquest, also after completing 1 you receive 9 tokens ( if you grind out 175 conquest, 4 chests or a couple of bgs ) you can purchase the 10th token from the PVP vendor, this allows you to craft your weapons to you specific stat requirement.. PS fill in the trinket and ring/trinket gaps with siren isle gear, within minutes of hitting 80 your at least at 600, then grind out the upgrade quests, you can also do lev 7 delves instantly, before upgrading, with 600 I lev allowing you to farm the bountiful, and have heroic in you vault each week
Tried to farm this method but the world quests arent dropping sparks of war ): Im in warmode and have completed the campaign
if you do anything that tos it can get you sent to jail and sued and ip banned dont do what he says his trying to get his fans banned and its illegal this dude dont cere about youre acc or you he wants you to get ip banned
do not spend valor to upgrade this gear you will be valor starved your whole gearing path.
Ah my bloody tokens method. I've been happily collecting pvp transmogs and leveling this way.
the only problem with this method is that if you want to upgrade the gear or get better gear you're gonna have to sign up for M+ or raids and any group not taking the most cursory glance at your character will see that you're in full world pvp gear, which will quickly get you the boot
Doesn’t siren isle give you catch up gear a lot faster? The currency is account transferable too
Every time you say "bloody token" in my head:
I love it when I see an Archvaldor video pop up.
Hey bruv do you have any tips for someone who doesn't play WoW?
sry but turning on war mode is not an option for some people, also its what they want targets for pvp
Worth mentioning if you are keeping up on rep for each of the reputations there is A LOT of catchup gear you can get for each of your alts, in addition to lots of crests and lots of stones to upgrade gear with. you also can tier any vet pieces or better if you want the tier set bonus, though if you can try to use those for the weekly quests like timewalking weeks that can get you champion or even heroic gear pieces. If you want the absolute best gear, +8s are probably the easiest and fastest way, and with a solid group this is trivial content at this stage even if you are only 600 ilevel, as long as you are in a group that knows what interrupts are;
Between this gear, and 4 619 crests from renown level 24
5 if you do the queen story mode raid kill
My new toons can be 610 within an hour of hitting 80.
Was looking forward to your content!