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GameSpot Reviews – EA Sports MMA Video Review

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Intuitive controls, a lengthy career mode, and impressive online options make this mixed martial arts game a serious contender.

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  1. I have all the ufcs. And i have to say i hate the robotic movement in ufc and the lack of animations. Its the same animation for both striking and grappling. Im extremly excited for ea ufc. This game is way better than ufc 3 and is way cheaper. I should also say i hate the knockouts in ufc 3. Im knocking ojt the guy not headshoting him with a 50 cal. And still beating the shit out of his corpse

  2. just watch this /watch?v=7GMNCVYA6aI there you see HOW MANY ways they go down ( KO ) NOT Tko but its seldom but when its freaking a good awesome feeling

  3. this is simply dump only that thing that they bring a real ring in ( like pride do it further to ufc 3 the fight system is MUCH more real in ea sports mma and Much more ways to go down and realistic ways they go down, MUCH MUCH bether blood and more realistic blood,and EA sports MMA is Even More UFC than The UFC Thq game itself,.even when they is no UFC in the title cause license shit now Ea sports finally get the rights to do a real awesome ufc game and i hope they let the mma phsysics/blood in

  4. still Ea sports mma !

    +More Control,
    +More ways to go down/ ko/tko
    +MUCH more realistic Blood
    + Real Blood Transfusion
    + Awesome Still fighting 3-4 punches after knock out (not one two like in ufc)
    + Way more TKO than KO just like in real UFC
    + Much Bether KI
    + Realistic Career (much more than UFC 3)

    Oh and for the Quote I PLAY BOOTH 100%

    – Sadly No more Online but im still enjoy
    – Control system is little hard to getting used to
    – difficult System only 3 mode

  5. well now you won't have to choose,,,UFC undisputed, THQ wasn't selling UFC as well as they hoped so the contract after UFC 3 was given to EA so i doubt EA will come out with another MMA game that isn't UFC, but for the time being UFC has the better more known fighters and this seems to have a more stylistic and maybe even more accurate representation of a MMA fight

  6. i like this game but i hate that they put stamina ea sports mma and ufc games are good
    people stop saying that ohh ea sports mma suck and ufc rules or ea sports mma rules and ufc sucks it just a game enjoy the games that its

  7. @mark84g5
    But then everyone's going to hate Gamespot for giving too low of a score or to high.
    I know that knowing the score is a good thing but just look at how much hate IGN gets for the points they give.
    So putting no score at all is almost the best way to get minimal hate for the review.
    Thats what i think anyways.

  8. Mostly all they do is roll around and hug each other for minutes at a time on the ground……this isn't entertaining to me. If one really thinks about it, its pretty gay!!

  9. @r3d2skn i agree with you in everything… and yes, it would be nice if it had all the mma company licenses. it looks clean and realistic, although the ea sports game look ALMOST all amazing…

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