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NEW DRAENEI Capital Sooner Than We Think! World REVAMP Starts

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So the new giant draenei capital was already confirmed in Dragonflight and we know they are working on it but since then nothing has been going on and there hasn’t been a follow up. Based on the roadmap Midnight is getting announced this summer and player housing is set to be in the game by the end of the year possibly in the pre-patch. Blizzard has been on a massive effort to update all the playable race capitals even with Undermine now that has only been a speculation until 11.1. After Midnight announcement 11.2.5 and 11.2.7 are happenin as the setup for player housing and it is likely we could be seeing this draenei capital then, but the real question is where? Are they really going to settle Azuremyst, could they build it where Dalaran once was or is the new draenei city going to be a floating one, a draenei version of Dalaran? What do we know?

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  1. Would be pretty nice if player housing, even if is instanced based, was a place where 20 players could share the zone, buy the lots, and see in real time people upgrading their homes. I always imagined a Elwynn Forest zone where i can see my neighbors gardens, farms and stuff

  2. it would be cooler to see the Draenei take the Blasted lens, build their new capital around the Dark Portal, and have them push into the swamp of Sorrows which they already have outposts in.

  3. I suspect the old Dalaran Crater will be the new site for the Draenei city, and it will be similar in the crater part to Auchindoun (Draenor, not Outland), possibly even called "New Auchindoun". It may have an outer city so shops and blacksmitheries and such can be found, But I would be very surprised if the Exodar was just uprooted and a new city was built on it, because on Azeroth, one of the areas in game that is least visited is Azuremyst Isles. But… if that doesn't happen, and it is located on Azuremyst isles, it will definitely be like Karabor, possibly either like New Karabor or New Shattrath.

    As it is, it is very sad that there is absolutely no reason for me to return to my Garrison, which, love them or hate them, I am very proud of mine, but i really liked the Shadowmoon Valley Alternate Draenor scheme.

  4. Azuremyst isle is the best place to build the city. The whole region is reminiscent of Shadownoon Valley (Draenor), so it's perfect. They have enough space for that since i'm pretty sure they'll dismantle the Exodar and use its parts in the construction project. Besides, Bloodmyst isle can be more easily purified if by Midnight, the fallen crystals are removed and repurposed. I really can't see them settling anywhere else that would make more sense, besides, the Isle is peaceful and isolated enough for them not to be bothered while they rebuild.

  5. Crazy speculation: the new draenei city on Azeroth's wound after Sargeras' sword is somehow pulled out. Among all races, i think draenei would be the only responsible race to handle the azerite/world soul blood that might erupt from the earth's crust, and actually it would probably be like kalimdor's sunwell at the south.

  6. Draenei: build a new settlement for the 1 millionth time
    Kil'jaeden wearing glasses with a fake mustache to the other races on Azeroth: "Guys, hear me out. Don't you find it suspicious how the Draenei…"

  7. this is what i wanted for years, player housing and you can build it race specific… i hate it when you were a specific race and the Garrison didnt fit the race lol i hope we can finally make our house race specific. finally i can make my night elf tree houses lol

  8. The new Draenei capitol is likely to be placed on or near Azuremyst Isle, as Bloodmyst is too irradiated to be inhabited by them, and any of the zones on Kalimdor proper is either too devastated by the Cataclysm (Darkshore), Still burning (Teldrassil), corrupted by Legion (Felwood), cold (Winterspring, they didn't have a presence in Frostfire ridge either, so I don't think they like the cold), too Night elf significant to work for anywhere else (Mount Hyjal) or too close to the Horde cities (Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains) because the Draenei won't trust the Orcs easily, not after the Genocide or the Blood War.

    I'm not hoping for a Dalaran 2.0, the Draenei have the tech for a floating city, but it'd just be a rip off (not to mention a huge security risk, look at what happened to Dalaran!), and a wasted opportunity to try something new: A city that's partially submerged in the sea for example, or built on the waves like a crannog, or more conseratively, built atop the mountain the Exodar is already lodged into.

    As for making the city story relevant: the Draenei are literally the Light race of the Warcraft universe, they'd naturally be drawn to partake in the conflict and be targeted by the Shadow in turn, or have a Naaru switch to dark mode. The whole north Western Kalimdor could become a battle field just as well as Lordaeron.

  9. They should totally have a questline that’s legit just a side quest, where some orcs thrall as the main orc and draenai muurad and velin decide to find a way to keep our lands alive and the conclusion is to TP and use magic to mold it to Azeroth using light and elemental magics making a part of Azeroth just floating islands that are still connected to nagrand which would be used as the part they mold to Azeroth but nagrand is the capital of said new zone

  10. I legit do not understand why people are hyped for a housing feature… its gonna be cool for 2 minutes… then what?
    Its only gonna have purpose if they do it like OSRS where it actually has something useful… the issue then is that people spend more time in their own house then in the actual world.
    In other words : housing – cool on paper, but its either gonna flop or have other bad negativity attached to it. No to housing.

  11. Id like for the penitents to get their own themed corner of the city but im not sure if the draenei would be comfortable having a section of their city filled with floating fel crystals and demons.

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