I have played nothing but Swiftplay for three days.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cryobeats
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/72CBjHM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryobeatYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cryobeat/
Here’s some of my videos I recommend!
A Bad Summary of Thresh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AsrP3YTpac
How to Hit 100% of your Thresh Hooks, and Other Skillshot Tips: https://youtu.be/LGGE-ozFdZc
Though it’s not going to be for EVERYONE, Swiftplay is what I as a long-time, burned out, “for-fun” player have always wanted, and think it suits casual play perfectly.
Now with casual play not only comes lax strategies and play, but also the dark side of that with players that, well, aren’t really paying attention, maybe letting themselves “go” emotionally a bit and… How does Swiftplay deal with that?
All in all, I’ve had a blast with it and hope you would, too. I must stress, it is not a “troll” mode; you just get away with it easier!
Sound effects provided by Epidemic – https://www.epidemicsound.com
Music used:
“Ghost” by @jjcasey69
Stream music is by Gamechops – https://gamechops.com/
Outro music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4G5TZRdDTs
#Swiftplay #lol #leagueoflegends
So basically turbo from Dota 2?
I haven't really played since season 10, this might bring me back.
Cryo, I'm a long time observer of your channel. You may be a low elo silly little guy with hilariously bad (yet funny) builds, but you're so right about this. I feel like I used to genuinely enjoy doing the stuff you do years ago as a kid. Swiftplay is so goated and honestly it's probably the holy grail for chill play low tryhard players who just wanna build silly items and vibe. It's been a breath of fresh air to be able to play with my silver bronze and iron friends without them feeling totally helpless/useless most games. This mode is god tier, and I'm excited to see the content you make with it.
This has my interest. I want to try out LoL again now.
Ig my criticism is that playing early game champs that fall off late sucks in this mode. Even if u get a huge lead. They can catch up by existing
Losing against an AFk is the most demorilizing thing, but wining with an AFK is the best thing ever
There only one problem with that mod: player and worse here. Not toxic, just playing not so good.
And you have higher chance to encounter "fun build".
You know, Leona ADC, Jin jungle and so go on.
By the way, try every support tank at AURF as ADC. In s really works very good sometines. You can be stronger than actual ADC.
1:32 lower bounty is feature at any game mod at league for long time. In vanilla mod it's capped to -200 after 6 death with no kills.
It's just game never told you that unless you paint attention at numbers when you killing
The paragraph at 7:35 is appreciated by all of us LoK nerds
i entered this video only to contradict the title, this "new" mode is nothing more than a mini URF and no this does not make the game "fun" a competitive game always would be toxic and not fun when your whole objective is to win, no matter what you did a defeat always would be a defeat, period
"i the modern game you can play Kayn"
… Kayn came out 8 years ago
Im amazed ppl still play this even now when its a blatant cash grab for skins LOL
I feel the mode has great potential but is crap because its unbalanced. Every Match ive played was just one team snowballing ASF and having fun, one team just permasitting on greyscreen.
I disagree, mostly because: 1.support is broken in this mode, you can literally gain more gold and xp then sololaners. 2. No bans means every game has teemo, yasuo and yone in them and they will reach theyre spikes EVERY TIME
wait so ive been playing on easy mode this entire time…. and im still losing bad, im cooked
Swiftplay ranked 2025 pls
Maybe if they polish it a bit more they can definetly replace it to be the new standard
Definitely not Dota 2 turbo. Lol
It always amuses me when LoL players get so surprised by cool new stuff… That other games have had for ages.
Quit LoL, step out of the vacuum, play some better games.
Wrong. Aram is still the best mode.
New swiftplay is unbearable for me. It takes the entire point out of laning phase and significantly buffed late game champs because you are pretty much guaranteed now to make it to late game. All it does is teach bad habits and is incredibly boring to me. Ranked is ruined too because of the new update changes including feats of strength. With that, it's just rush and lane bully each other and whoever collects the feats first is most likely to win. This also makes the team without feats the most toxic I've ever seen the community and I have had my account since 2015. This is probably the update that will finally break my desire to play League going forward.
Keep having fun if that's your thing.
I still love playing league but only on FUN modes. at the current state of SEA server it's so boring now. no fun mode, Aram went back to HA and no swiftplay. sadge
basically dota 2 turbo
very imbalanced
just run 5 lategame champs lmao
The “negative” bounty has always been in the game, right? It’s just visible now (before the update killing someone over and over would also reward less gold per kill).
Also idk about anyone else but I actually think snowballing has been worse in quick play.
what? Riot detects you are having fun? time to remove this mode
Bro i've experienced the LEAST toxic teammates and opponents in swiftplay. It actually makes me want to play
The gold generation, is a standard in all mobile mobas. It’s not new. League is behind in everything.
yeah no swift play is a solid 4 on the list
definitely behind aram, hexa/ofa, urf, arena for best 4fun
fun? league of legend? hahah YIKES bro ..l
No it's not. The most fun you could've had was playing in 2009-2015.