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#irelia #leagueoflegends
6:26 ここミニオン処理早すぎる…この人みたいにイレリア使えたら楽しいだろうな、練習します!
send opgg pls
delete the game
Wait, around the second Clip she ult twice, like she can do that?
Irelia didn't know she could be played like that.
Tek kelime ile harika!
Bruh about to get champ reworked 😂
1:27 is this a modded skin ?
Thanks you showing me that pressing R and Q right after works the same way as pressing R then flashing 😂 you are amazing!
ur absolutely crazy man, congrats
Just played Irelia for the first time, decided to watch someone good at her and uhhhh wow. Lol. Had to watch this entire video in either .25 or .5 spd to even see what blud was doing. Insane stuff, lots of swagger 🙂
Why is there a discord streaming sound in there??😭😭I was so perplexed
My worst nightmare
30000 hours impossible
Okay fine. I’ll try to play her again. 😂
I love how you used your W to get the minions low while fighting pantheon so you could use them to heal and play off of that was so cool
Imagine wasting 30k hours on this boring shit game
That play vs malz, hell nah i would uninstall. This is a great video man i'll sub because im and ass irel main
Go take a shower now
que bizarro, não é o guiven
allahına kurban başarılarının devamını dilerim kardeşim sakın denk gelmeöyelim
1.500.000 mastery is too low for 30000 hours. Its fake
Mechanics are actually insane. Was once an irelia main myself. Still dabble in her from time to time. That’s an insane use of her skill set. Well played
3:44 Why Q cooldown, minion didn't died
you are my inspiration to play irelia keep going
Omfg just casually deleting people under their turrets 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
What do you usually do when you get Vex against? Got that yesterday and felt like a hard countered…
get a life
Do you stream in twitch
Looks like the absolute limit of Irelia has been achieved …sick plays man
7:20 Irelia: "Yo tristana you are making me uncomfortable, do you really wanna do this? "
Just Vanish after 2 seconds
Bro you are the definition of perfection using the champ🎉
Please update more videos 👌
6:45 nastyyy 🔥🔥
The most impressive thing is he’s doing irelking shit at just 80fps, imagine how smooth he will be at 200+
Impresionante amigo. Todo un espectáculo. Un abrazo
The more i watch irelia as a person that plays ahri and lb, i dont deserve to even touch irelia atp 😂😂😂 i think my irelia journey has cut short HAHAHAHAH
Awesome video man
Omg, ban irelia XD
The Xerath part gave me immense joy. Especially since I was stopped earlier today.
2:47 en begendim yer burası mekanik olarak q flash sıfırlamak fightta kolayca yapılabilecek şey degil wp brocan
yeni farkettim 6:07 de iyiymis sustur + hasarı yememek icin q sıfırlayan bir flash
for me as a dota player i dont know how i landed here but i like your stuff tho xDDD
Every Irelia player has the urge to towerdive no matter what
The last clip using w to reduce syndra ult dmg in 0.5 sec span is insaneee