Summit reacts to Sardaco almost sabotaging the first OnlyFangs Molten Core raid in World of Warcraft!
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No one cares about streamers or WoW, EVERYONE just wants to see you die on your characters.
Who is girl Streamer with the pink hair?
is just dont like sardaco. just annoying at this point.
first onlyfangs i only thought he was smug and playing a charackter. but HOLY i think he really is that unlikeable
Sardaco 100% knew, turns around to watch everyone and as soon as someone started dying he starts grinning
He fucked up the f gracen™ meme^^
Xaryu was told to stay out 😂
How are ppl still this bad at 60 in hc?XD
Sumsum….where dja buy your laugh?
Someone thinking soap is attractive.. ROFL
stop posting wow drama bs, don't make me unsub
I don't understand anything that happens with this game. Most boring summit arc of all time.
Honestly the highlight to the whole thing was just miz vibing xD
Hu? Zardako a complete degen? untrustworthy? egotistical player? naaaaaah what's new? Fun video tho omg… I only hate Zardako since a cringe dude, and doesnt even know how to play after ages of playing. what a wasted life lol
Yamato the rat, dude payo got down to 1% and he didnt even think twice to go back in
6:00 tbf Soda did say all the melee people need to stay back and chill the whole fight. No one listened tho. Damage is not that bad on normal so no need to chill back.
Melee out means stop attacking or you gotta get booted in the air.
FLASH HEAL, FLASH HEAL, FLASH HEAL on targets already full.
Nazi sympathizer Sardaco?? Wow!
The Payo speaking to Yamato is golden, I love Payo, he is such a nice Classic andy in the lair, and people like toxic Grubby with most of his cringy ugly comments only falling of the roof from me, while Payo making gold content in every interaction he had with this brutal streamer raid.
Well done my little pc. of nr. 2
Sarnazo thinks the takes of a Neonazi are based btw.
Pika took irl physical dmg raiding. Peak wow
3rd person title. Ew.
so funny man (Yamato's Rag)
If I was in that raid id never want to raid with Sardaco ever again.
1:39 i actually used to do this way more as a kid for some reason. We used to call it "yanking our head" it is an ache with a burning sensation.
Sardaco is fucked in the head. …. average fucked up classic wow player
No Hpals?
That yamato clip made my day 🤣🤣🤣
Braindead streamers get told to follow Star and follow Sardaco instead 🤣
to be fair in the sardaco clip he said jump here, and the spot sardaco jumped he took NO lava damage. shoulda listened to him instead of soda LMAO
that yamato pov was so bad lol Payo is right hes trash spits 🤣🤣🤣
Fandy just got straight up deleted by god. I think I saw somebody say there's a 1/1600 chance of getting hit twice by the attack that killed her?
Tylers Taunt was up when Poke was dying in onyxia
Just lost the only good healer in the guild other than Vei who decided not to participate
I dont know any of these people and I have no idea whats going on
Not seen a single good thing about this Sardaco dude.
most normal ive ever seen miz.