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I am making loads of gold for 30 minutes of fishing and how you can too!

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Hello Everyone!

Another quick video on how you can make a load of gold in 30 minutes of fishing right now. Check it out, the opportunity is a short one.

#worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftgameplay #goldfarming #goldfarm #goldguide #wowgoldfarm

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  1. I recommend the addon "Choretracker" for the Darkmoon faire, especially profession quests since it will remind you to bring the needed items that I personally keep forgetting, also having backups in your warbank of those items is useful in case you forget regardless.

    Fish on a DK for waterwalking if you have one but no raft etc.

    The mount is an underwater mount and is quicker underwater.

    Don't forget you no longer have to click bobbers but can use your interaction key for fishing nowadays. so it's even more chill even more so when combining with the "Better Fishing" addon.

  2. Thanks for this, I've been playing wow for waaaay too long but never been good at making gold, been slowly watching your videos and going to try this one over the next few days wish me luck!

  3. My current favorite farm is gathering while also collecting the hovering crest orbs. Using just the crest uptrade system and orb collecting I’ve already made my main 5 lvl 636 crafted items. However, to get the gilded crest upgrade option, It does require you to hit an item level break point of 619 in every slot. Even without that, you can still use the system to trade up to runed crests to finish the upgrade tracks to allow getting the gilded upgrades. (Im not sure if Crafted gear counts towards break points)

  4. i leave an alt. parked at the Darkmoon Faire to fish and do the pet battles while its going on. With the experience buff pet battles really fork over the XP and you can get Sid the Squid pet from them. There's equipment for your mount where you can ride it on water..There are plenty of crates all around the island…Angler's Water Strider's i think its called. It's been ages since I got it so I don't remember how but I'm sure there's a video out there to tell you how to do it. The Underlight Angler fishing pole lets you walk on water but I use my DK who can freeze the water. I just ride my motorcycle around the island a lap and log in and out whenever I think about it. I usually have 3 or 400 firewaters by the time the Faire ends.
    They say the prices go up when the Faire isn't going on but I haven't noticed that to be true. I think its because the people who buy firewaters don't know where they come from or are not going to be bothered to fish or visit the Darkmoon Faire. The prices swing crazy on these. When TWW first came out they were selling for over 1k each as fast as you could put them up for auction.
    Lot's of pets if you know where to look and secret things hidden away if you explore deep. DMF is my favorite place and must have been created by a bloody mad genius. Nothing rivals it. I wish Blizzard still had this kind of creativity for the Anniversary event and such.

  5. This is a good one. I got lucky the other day and did laps around the island on my Tuskar Dinghy (it's easier to get than the raft) with no competition, and I'm sitting on about 1,300 of them now. I use them and sell them so I just stack em up for months for the right time. If your max fishing for TWW maybe try getting Kaheti Slum Sharks from blood pools in Hallowfall. They sell for over 500 a piece still in US and will most likely go up next season.

  6. Hey just an FYI Every time you go by the DMF Mounts use them they have speed boosts that help you get around faster…..I know you will be dismounting a bunch so you will lose the mount right away but every time you go by you can get a good speed boost from them…..I have been farming for Toy from the band and from the wolf. Can not get wolf to spawn for some reason but owell!

  7. As someone who can't afford a WoW sub and uses their gold to fund the MMO addiction, its always so painful to spend that gold and know that I'm gonna have to farm for so many hours to not fear losing my sub.

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