GG. The Hunter Revamp is fantastic. I’ll be playing Hunter FAR more in Patch 11.1.
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00:00 The Great MM Hunter Revamp
00:30 The Pet Change
01:44 The New Gameplay Flow
07:42 …About The Eagle…
09:37 Identity Crisis
Marksman with pet is just vanilla dullness imo. I'll stick with survival when I hop on my huntard.
I have always liked MM a lot, it was like the 2nd spec I ever learned. I got pretty hype in the middle of the video hoping to try it out and then i remembered that I would have to play the hero talents.
I'm glad you brought it up in the end. My hope is that they just add a glyph or something that would allow the Dark Ranger hero talent to not look like a dark ranger. Simply casting black arrow isn't that dark ranger-y, it's mostly just the darkhounds and the animations that make it seem kind of like a Dark Ranger. Just get rid of the shadowy effects on the animations and then make it so that the dark hounds look like something in your stable or even just some normal dogs/wolves and I'd be fine with playing it and then I could actually try out MM Hunter again.
That's what they said last time…
I actually don’t like the new MM trueshort aura. Aimed shots take way too long especially for opening pull. It doesn’t feel as explosive as before.
make survival range again. Blizzard hasnt add a range dps since CLASSIC. Evoker is a mid range dps like a ret pally but a true 40 yard range dps not since CLASSIC. so knocked surviving down to a melee dps was just dumb. You want a hunter to be a melee class then figure out how to change bm hunter into a tank class. Im sure it be stupid but NO MORE MELEE CLASSES!!!!
if ur dps is differnt then in any content raid/m+/pvp you DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE this crap game has become a if you aint a 90% parser you will not get invited to group content. I do not know how long logs have been around i didnt really know about them until Mists of Pandaria when i actually started to really raid instead of casual raid. I remember some kid crying about my dps and i got gkicked. I pick up with a new group got a hunter weapon and bam my dps was where it was "supposed to be" but you cant get there without certain items. and BIS trinkets/weapon/4 set are the difference between 50% parse and 90% parse.
There are animations in the game to let an eagle land on your arm, and to send it off again. Could be a nice touch to give that as a free ability or toy for MM hunters.
The hunter fantasy should be killing a big thing and wearing its skin and bones as transmog. We are so far from that it is scary.
The Legolas with a gun spec… so the Legunlas?
I'll see myself out.
Hunter is nothing….without it's Hunt ! Now they are prepared….Sease your destiny Heroic Lady's .
I get what you mean about marksmanship hunters wishing they had the pet, but at the end of the day the nuance and class fantasy of the spec has always been about being an archer or sniper, not about having pets to tank. And then in the same breath you complain about the hero talents not giving you the fantasy when I feel the removal of the pet was opening doors for it. As a Hunter main I personally wish they had kept the change.
I definitely am of the Legolas fantasy, where a pet is really not a big component of my hunter playing
here to represent one oft the other MM hunters who don't feel like ballular. just in case someone from blizzard looks through the comments…
Legolas has NEVER EVER been my fantasy to play in WoW. If I wanted to play "Legolas" i'd have chosen LoTR as my game. I also don't agree on the whole "MM should be gunslinger" fantasy. if that is YOUR fantasy fine. i have no problem with blizzard giving you and your fellows one or two additional hunter speccs or a whole new gunslinger class. but i don't see why YOUR fantasy should be more valid than mine. and MM as it was and has evolved over the past 20 years has always fitted MY fantasy.
I don't know if you guys have ever looked at hunter IRL. where i come from this means a person with a rifle or a huntingbow who is usually accompanied by a dog. it's a person of the woods, connected to nature. it's not some military sharpshooter guy.
Have the eagle perch on you out of combat. Add different skins for the eagle. Add naming the eagle
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For the time being, I think I'll be playing with a pet tank while soloing (Eagle and Beagle), but doing the Full Eagle when I'm in a party with a tank. I don't being a Bark Ranger. 😉
Spark joy gang!
The reason why hunter will always feel stuck in the past gameplay wise, is because whenever there is changes, any feedback about gameplay is LITERALLY DROWNED OUT BY IDIOTS TALKING ABOUT F ING ANIMALS AND LEGOLAS FANTASY… or or or SURVIVAL DUAL WIELD!
These marksman hunters that complained about not having a pet just sucked period. The whole point of the class was that they did the damage. God blizzard should have never caved to these crappy players.
It looks ridiculous. I love my bow and i love my pets, but not so much i want to beast spec. I have always played mm. The eagle is ugly. I want an owl, and not a fucking glyph. I didnt go out there and catch these pets for no reason. They each have a use. "Little" problem? For those of us who pay by the year, they should care.
trick shots still suck in 2t fights …
Blizzard should have just made Falconer spec for Hunters if they wanted Hunters to just use a Spotting Eagle and nothing more. I had a heart attack when I heard the original changes and just made all my MM Hunters either BM or Surv. This would have been much better as an initial announcement.
They should just have the Eagles swoop in to drop traps and perform all the utility stuff. Make it a small advantage like demonology has where you can drop traps without breaking your current cast or interrupting your gcd
This wont last people will cry that MM is broken and nerfs will hit xD
The new MM is a nice direction, but I feel the overall design is still too clunky, especially when you look at how free flowing both BM and SV are. I want MM to be less turret and gain back the mobility the class has always been known to have.
Also it is still going to be overshadowed by how good the new Pack Leader BM is.
It looks cool, and almost makes me want to play again…. but I cannot help shake the fear that Blizz is gonna just revamp it 2 months from now and make it suck. I enjoyed WOD mm hunter.. then they changed it in legion. I eventually got to where i enjoyed Legion MM hunter.. then they changed it in BFA. I got to where i tolerated it in BFA and it survived mostly intact into SL… when i quit the game. It's hard to get excited because I feel like i can't trust them!
Awesome so now when can we tame any beast we want. We are hero's in this world and we save it over and over it goes with the lore for us champions to have outlandish pets not normal pets save Azeroth
why in gods name did they make aspect of the cheetah only last for 3 seconds instead of permanent it is absolutely useless now
blizzard : oh, you think hunters are back? hold my beer.
Finally my spec has been overhauled! 😀 I sure hope we don't suck in arenas tho haha
Also i remember when my fav version of mm hunter was back during warlords of draenor siiigh good times
Man, now all they need to do is allow for buying only one month of game time at a time again
priest needs this, skill animations are 144p
you d ride blizz on the weirdest things…
Don't warry in pvp lock, dh, monk will oneshot you 😉
once again, BM gets ignored – good as it is, does nothing for me, looks like my hunter will remain retired
wish Blizzard would fix Druids. Feral been dead for 3-4 expansions now.
For the past 3 months I keep hearing about reworks, how many reworks do they have to do 😂 they have reworked their reworks so many times it’s cra cra
It's disappointing because BM makes more sense as melee, then that would have opened SV up to the ranged gun marksman with tricks & traps.
But someone at deactivision dropped the ball big time.
Cue hunters complaining their damage is bad.
MM should be no pet, just give it a some extra supplemental abilities that function like pet abilities or something
Gonna be fun to see if this spec will actually compete this time around.
Still missing 2 target cleave…
Thank god. I don't have to unsub.
Aimed shot should of been hitting for more than a mill everytime.. I mean it takes 3 to 5 bidness days to cast
K but where is the needed DH buff
If only they could actually punish the toxic members of the community so that 90% of the people I used to play with don't leave or have the chat entirely disabled. Between the overly toxic community, the mental illness that is the addon scene dragging you further and further away from actually playing the game. Seriously, I was raid leader for 17 years and I only had four addons, but there is a huge chunk of the community that has over 130 addons and apparently that's kinda normal.
Instead of cutting the head off teh trolls so they can't bite more people, they instead punish the people defending themselves against the trolls.
Almost every person I have ever known in WoW has given me the advice of just turning chat off so I can't see anybody talking….but that just leads to new players being left with nothing but a toxic environment with nothing but trolls in the chat because all the sane people have chat disabled.
They still haven't fixed mythic +, raiding is a mess and pvp is basically a barren wasteland because most actual pvp players want nothing to do with the game.
And the icing on the cake? They gutted their game masters and customer service departments. People are getting weeks long estimated ticket times.
Blizzard is working on a skeleton crew with a skeleton subscriber base. There are websites who's whole job it is to estimate the accurate player count of MMO's, and they are very good. They were predicting blizzards previously posted sub numbers before blizzard posted them and were only ever wrong a couple of times and only by about 10%.
They estimate that WoW is sitting at about 450k unique accounts, not including China. China's sub model makes it really hard to actually see how many subs WoW has without internal data.
IF you made it this far, I challenge any of you to do what I did. Disable all addons and try and play WoW.
Then come try and tell me you like the game. I went from being raid leader for things like Sunken Temple all the way to ICC and on through Mythic 25 Antorus, The Burning Throne. I didn't have DBM until Mythic Archimonde during HFC in Warlords when I finally got caught lol. Then after a month I had already uninstalled DBM. Until I quit a few months ago, I had only ever used Bartender, Recount, and Deja Character Stats because it lets me select what stats my character sheet shows and I used some addon back in the day to track quests because the old ui blew dicks. It still kinda does, thus why I was still using it after 20 years lol.
Dear god, 20 years of WoW and I finally had to abandon my home-away-from-home because the people who reside there are somehow more toxic and shitty than the people in real life. The whole point of the game is to have fun in a world where you get to be the hero and save people and be useful…where as in real life, many players absolutely can't do that. In real life, most wow players are just average people. They work at McDonalds or Walmart or Starbucks. They have a normal shitty life with a normal shitty house and normal shitty internet….
But the new player experience is a mess. Nobody knows where to go, classes are crazy and it's very clear, after the Druid mess of Dragonflight, that the developers are not playing the game anymore. They lost some of the most knowledgeable and skilled veteran druid players with their changes in Dragonflight.
They are terrible at class balance, they are kinda bad at class design, and they can't make their ui work so we still have no choice but to use addons or deal with a 20 year old game that let it's self go because of those very same addons…why fix it when the modders will fix it?
Bethesda did the same thing. Why fix Skyrim when the modders will fix it all for free?
I want old survival back
I mean, really , the Draenei on the cover resembles you my man.
I am so ready for MM
I also want them to do a gunslinger/tinkerer