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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #thewarwithin
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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #thewarwithin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
What a absalute shit show. The game is fucking fried.
Neighborhoods?! I’m about to walk into someone of y’all’s trap and take over your trap!!! 😂
One more time sink, that does nothing to gameplay and story. how about spend time and resources on game it self, not on cosmetics
Nah we hear it every expansion (and mid expansion). And they (somehow) only make things worse, regarding pvp.
I hope there's a garden we're I can show off a few off my 800 mounts 😊
Dead on arrival. Literally just garrisons.
Whenever I give this guy a chance to share some interesting news, I always end up disappointed. In my opinion, he lacks the ability to explain things clearly—his information comes across as a jumbled mess, with bits and pieces from here and there. I don’t mean to be rude, but he sounds somewhat unintelligent and doesn’t seem able to hide it. I apologize for being so straightforward, just wanted to share my opinion, good luck with the content.
Won’t you be my neighbor
Making the hood in Durotar – South Side Durotar Crips
I am happy for the people that wanted this but I personally don't care about it, I'd hope for some long wanted abilities come back into the game again like deep freeze that's what makes me giggle that's why I subscribe
We dont need this, just fix mmr for pvp
100% sure it will be the same huge letdown as the Garrisons were
Used to have garrisons, homeless, now just a house
No one wanted player housing we just wanted them to fix MMR
I can roleplay owning a house since ill never afford one in my nation (AU)
Bro! I want to live in Suramar.
So we’re going to orcs VS humans ,war, adventure, to Sims? We are cooked 🤦♂️ 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Lol retail trash
people is going to make diks with the furniture for sure
Nobody asked for this stupid shit. Cant wait to watch it devolve into final fantasy rejects paying 90$ for gold lined posters.
This has microtransaction garbage written all over it. The shills will eat it up too.
Anything to distract the fact they game is horrible.
about 10 years to late a feature mmos launched with in the early 2000's, I feel so sorry for WoW players
Some of use horde vibe with the Trisfal Glades, but they going to force us into dusty ass durator. I just decided that player housing isn't bringing me back to the game.
I am very excited for housing tbh. Probably going to do a neighborhood with my friends and mutuals.
lmao, the last fkin thing i wanted in wow. neighborhoods so ERPers can just go to their next door neighbor instead of stinking up goldshire.
yesyes player first, chatroom sims simulator. nevermind that modes that people actually play that coincidentally don't entice microtransaction purchases
Lmao, this is not what would make wow great again. Most of us want a classic feel.
Property taxes in game… 🤣
I just found out, ONLY Boomers get the houses. The rest of us have to rent! Lol
I feel like they should have gotten rid of the mounts in pet store and focused on putting more into player housing. I feel like if there was anywhere to "focus on revenue" it wouldve been player housing.
"Neighborhoods are instanced" another game that can't top UO or SWG housing
Such a MASSIVE waste of resources. Nobody will ever care about your player house.
Ye thats just what game needs….another window for monetization.
Spoilers the game still sucks
Don't worry guys, I heard they are adding solo shuffle pvp to the SIMS.
this sounds like classic garbanzo beans
Just another cash grab. Micro transaction heaven for them. Goddamn retail is cooked. If players are first – REMAKE THE GAME. Bring back OLD DEVELOPERS who actually LOVE the games identity and aren't trying to CHANGE it. It's become woke garbage. Watch how many fan-girls I piss off.
yay, not like we had housing in WoD already
not like housing is gonna fix the fundamental issues with world of warcraft
not like midnight is going to change the game to an actual playable state 😅
Thank you for everything thing you do as a content creator. Your one of the good ones Ven!
hey only a few months after Turtle wow!
Blizzard is going to spend more resources on player housing than PvP. As a PvPer this is not something you should be excited about. If you think PvP is neglected already, wait until this gets released.
Garrisons 2!
Bro let me live in your hood, I’ll give you special candy
Starting zones need some work especially Gilneas I mean that could be something to look at I wonder if they are gonna do housing like they have in final fantasy but make it guild based that would be interesing
I'm not down with HOA's.. 😆