Blizzard just dropped new details about the long-awaited player housing system in World of Warcraft. This the feature WoW players have been waiting a long time for and I think it might just live up to the communities expectations. Join me as I react to the latest update, compare it to some existing housing systems in games like Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy 14, and speculate on what this could mean for the future of Azeroth. Let’s talk about it in the comments!
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Nothing compares to wildstar housing in terms of features and possibilities. starwars galaxies does come close in features, but also allows housing in the over world without limit to the number of structures one player can build(only credit drain and resource costs prohibiting). Since it's an RP heavy mmo, trader(a playable class) players are often inspired to build towns for themselves or contracted by others.
Runescape's housing has the most relevant and functional houses in any mmo(and possibly all of gaming) bar none.
Knowing activision(blizzard is long gone) they've done a professional copy job from either of these games and are going to call it their own. A solid 7/10 system to be incorperated and forgotten in the bland blob that is wow.
And like half a year after GW2… So much for "the best MMO"