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HUGE Class Buffs & Nerfs Coming, Bugged Timewalking Rewards & New Trading Post Event

We have some huge class changes, buffs and nerfs to go over this week, the timewalking weekly quest rewards were bugged for a brief period of time, there some extra chances to get free heroic raid loot from Plunderstorm, and we have so many trading post options this month!

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Timestamps –
0:00 – WoW Weekly News
0:38 – HUGE Class Changes, Buffs & Nerfs
6:14 – Free heroic raid loot from Plunderstorm
7:57 – Timewalking weekly rewards bugged
10:31 – Special trading post anniversary event

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  1. random loot and random vaults is absolute dogshite! i seriously HATE this with a burning vengeance.. it makes me hate spending time doing something i find tedious just because of MAYBE getting that ONE item… piss off..that included MAYBE getting an item after spending 50min with a toxic pug in a key run.. to get 50g… with a 900g repair bill.. NO thanks

  2. 100% I would LOVE to see what my TW reward is!! I've been stuck on my tank attempting to change out my last piece of Veteran Armor for WEEKS hoping I'd get a new Hero Helm 😭😢 no M+ or Raids are being nice to me either, so no more rolling the dice and wasting time would be incredible

  3. As an Altoholic I would 100% love to see what I am going to get on my character before running content. It really does feel like a huge waste of time when I get an item that, oddly enough, is often the same thing I'm currently using or not an upgrade in any way.

  4. I would like to see the reward. There are to many times you complete the quest and get loot you already have. I do not think they will show the loot though. If they did there would be less people running the content

  5. It's insane to me that Fire mage is the WORST performing mage spec, and they nerf it. I just don't understand their balancing philosophy. If they want classes to be 2 specs, then just make them 2 specs and stop trying to nerf them out of existence. Fire is already less than 1% of mages being used right now anyway.

    P.S. Obviously I play a fire mage so my comment is based on what I know best. Similar issues can be applied to probably every other class.

  6. Thats not the only Timewalking bug. On 2 of my characters, the vault is not showing completion of the quest. After doing the quest I should have 2 slots showing at least 4 dungeons complete. It only shows 2-3 completed.

  7. Would love to know what the Timewalking reward is outright, because I have lots of alts, and there's nothing less exciting than getting the same pair of plate boots for the 3rd straight week on my Paladin.

  8. I thought you would mention the issue with time walking dungeon queue times. Average wait times sometimes say 7min and I’ll be waiting there for 15min and I don’t understand why

  9. So glad they buffed execute for Fury! It felt almost like a waste to even press it considering it does lower base damage than anything else in the rotation….
    Oh wait. They didn't do that.
    I am exaggerating but you can tell they don't actually play the game.

  10. I don't want to see what randomly generated reward I would be getting from completing a weekly event quest. What I want is to be rewarded for that quest with a token / bullion that I can take to a vendor and pick the item that I want / need. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but it's a much simpler and more streamlined system than any sort of randomization and "bad luck prevention" system blizzard could come up with.

  11. Not only do I think we should know exactly what we're getting from the time walking dungeon quest. I think it should be on a timer. Everyday it should change that way the people that don't like what they're getting can wait a today and have a chance to get something different.

  12. Time Walking- The first couple times you do it, you get a decent upgrade. After that I always seem to get one of my top three slots that need an upgrade the LEAST. I once got the exact same glove reward 6 weeks in a row.

  13. 9:37 if we see the reward but dont like it, then we would skip the quest, and therefor, increase the queue times for people that do like their rewards 🙁 so i think we would be better off not knowing what the reward is. (gambling, we love it right?)

  14. Random rewards arent random for my account. I did the weekly anniversary quests and every single character got the cloak. After getting it 3 times on half my characters, I quit. It shouldn't happen once on ONE character. Especially if its the same ilvl and exact same cloak.

  15. A bit of higher dmg output for prot warriors would have been nice. Arms and Fury get serieus increases in dmg. As a pure prot warrior I can't take a lot of dmg, but in delves it sometimes takes a while to clear because of lower dmg output between cooldowns (spear, ravager)

  16. It'd be nice if you could have at least a little agency on what the box contains. Like being able to choose between a box with random armor piece, one with a random weapon, or random trinket, ect.
    You're still not guaranteed to get what you want, but it'd help curb the RNG.

  17. 5xTW for random chest, then a option to change that item for a new random chest if u do 5 more.
    That way u keep TW up and running and well geared players can swap item if they keep running it.
    In the en it is a "free" item and I dont get why people complain about a 610+ even tho it is weong slot/stats 😅 its the same RNG as in a raid

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