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Player Housing Revealed Pay to Win?

Player Housing Revealed Pay to Win?


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  1. WoW has been P2W game, since the introduction of token. You can buy every single content in the game, and Supa knows this. I would go and say he was a part of it with all the others who were selling their services via skillcaped for years

  2. I hope they keep some things exclusive when it comes to decor. If you got Thunderfury before Burning Crusade, you should be able to display it above your mantle. Same with Sulfuras, Shadowmourne, etc… If you downed heroic Deathwing when it was current, maybe you have a chair made out of a piece of his jaw. Stuff like that.

  3. I'm fine with the selling things, as long as it's purely cosmetic. Nothing that you can get a benefit over other people by spending cash. If they stick it just to cosmetic stuff you can do for your house than that's whatever.

  4. Blizzard being zero silent while there are huge problems with pvp such of mmr, not enough rewards, etc… and people have been very vocal about them for years now, this is the kind of feature that is completely pointless to me.

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